Chapter 56

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Skylynn has been here for 2 days and she is gotten used to being around me. At this point, she is following me around instead of Nash which is a little weird because I would think she would be following Nash. Today, we are deciding to go to the apartment because we got tied up with Skylynn yesterday. We all get in the car and I ed up in the back because Skylynn asked. 

"Where are we going?" she asks, curiously. 

"We are going to look at an apartment for Nash and I." I say to her and she smiles. The rest of the ride is spent in silence, but it's not uncomfortable. I really wonder what this place is going to be like. I mean, Nash seems to have put a lot of thought into which place to pick. Pretty much what happened was, I agreed to the apartment idea and I left it to him when it came to picking one out. I just want to see one and be able to agree. I hate picking out places for myself, it took Tay and I forever because I ended up being picky once we saw about 7 different places. 

We pull up to a tall building that seems to go up forever. The thought has crossed my mind what we are going to do when we all go our separate ways. That is coming so fast to the point I can't not think about it. It's a little less than a month away. What is going to happen with everything? With Nash and I, with the baby. I suppose I should call my mom and inform her with everything that has happened in this short period of time. I wonder what she will have to say about the whole pregnancy thing. I mean, I think I am old enough for this and it was bound to happen at some point, so why not now?

"Earth to Sophie." Nash says and I turn to see him with the door to the backseat open. I smile and get out of the car as Nash gets Skylynn out. We meet at the front of the car and I end up carrying her inside. We meet a lady at the front desk and she grabs a key card and leads us to the elevator. Once we all get inside, she presses level 28 and it starts moving. The numbers go up to 40, so this building is huge. We finally come to a stop and the doors open. 

We walk down a short hall and she stops at a door. She smiles at both of us and slides in the key card and I hear a click, signaling that the door is unlocked. We walk inside and it's amazing. It's huge and it is fully furnished with everything you could ever ask for. She walks around the apartment with us trailing behind her and shows each room. As she shows us each room, I just get happier and happier because it all looks amazing. The master bedroom has a lovely bathroom connected to it and the guest room, or second room has a bathroom very close to it. The living room is amazing as well, with a huge flat screen TV, a couch and a love seat that all look inviting. The kitchen is huge with everything a kitchen should have. 

Overall, it is absolutely perfect. I do wonder how much it is, however. The lady finally finishes the tour and she smiles at us as we all stand in the kitchen as she awaits our decision. 

"So what did you think?" Nash asks and I nod my head. 

"It's perfect I love all of it!" I say and look at the lady and she has a huge grin on her face. 

"So do you three want it?" she asks, obviously assuming that Skylynn is mine. I brush it off and go along with it, just to avoid telling her the whole story. I turn to Nash and he is already looking at me. I nod my head with a huge grin on my face. 

He turns to the lady and says, "Yes we will take it."

"Okay! We just need the main person on the lease to sign a couple papers. Is that you?" she asks Nash and he nods his head. They start talking busniess and I know it's my time to leave. I don't want to hear how much he is paying for this. I walk around with Skylynn in my arms and look over all the rooms. I wonder when we will actually start to move in here. I mean, I guess we can try now but it will just be a little hard with Skylynn and everything. But, knowing Nash he will want to move in as soon as possible. 

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