Chapter 26

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Trust me I almost passed out right then, but I kept it together and thanked the lady. Right after that, I walked right out of the store and look all around. I don't see him anywhere, or anybody suspicious. Maybe it's somebody that works for him? I mean I'm not going to complain that I didn't have to pay, but when she told me his name was Jeff that's just a little off. I get into my car and take a deep breath. I look at the clock on the dashboard and it's already 5. I probably should go get ready, but at the same time I want to go back to Jeff's. Just to settle everything finally. I start the car and just drive around. I need to make my mind up. Maybe I'll go after I go out with Nash so I'm not ruining my mood for the date? That's probably the best idea because this seems to mean a lot to him. I do a quick u turn and head back to my place. I pull up the driveway, grab my bag with the dress and walk in the house. 

"Soph?" I hear right as I walk in the door. 

"Yeah I'm here" I say and pull my shoes off. She doesn't answer, so I grab the bag and walk into my room. I grab the hanger it's on and put it up on my door so it doesn't get wrinkled. I grab my phone and walk into the bathroom. I pull off all my clothes and get in the shower. I wash my body and make sure to shave ever hair off my legs. I step out of the shower once I finish and wrap my body in the towel. I try to dry off most of my body and tie the robe around my waist and put my hair in the towel. I grab my makeup bag and look all through it for the best makeup I can find. I get a pile and bring it out to my vanity in my room. 

I sit down and start doing my makeup so it goes with my outfit. It takes a good 15 minutes and once I'm finished, I run into the bathroom and pull the towel away from my hair and start to blow dry it. Once I get it all dry, I start to curl the ends which takes the most time of my life. I cheer once I finally finish and glance at the clock. 6:50. Shit I still need to get into the dress. I run out of the bathroom and almost trip over all the stuff on the ground. I grab the dress and pull the zipper down. I slip into it and scream for Tay. 

"Holy shit why are you screaming?" she asks and walks into the room. I point to the back of my neck and she groans. She walks over and pulls the zipper just a little and I'm ready. "Where you two going?" she asks. 

I sit down on the bed and slip my shoes on. I answer with, "No idea just somewhere fancy" she nods her head. 

"Well have fun, use protection and let me know if you guys are coming back here. If you are, keep it quiet I don't want to be woken up" she says. I throw my wallet at her, which makes her turn around and run out of my room for protection. I roll my eyes and stand up. I look in my full body mirror and run my hands down the fabric over my stomach. I smile and turn around and grab the wallet I threw at Tay and set it on the table. I grab my phone and the doorbell rings. I curse under my breath and try to walk to the door as fast as possible. I hear Tay talking and I groan. God only knows what she's saying to him. 

I reach the door and Nash is smiling and carrying on a conversation with Tay. He turns to look at me and his eyes go wide, which makes me blush. Tay says a goodbye to me and turns around and walks back into the house. 

"You look great Soph" Nash says and grabs my hand as we walk to the car. I smile and hide the blush on my face. 

We reach the car and I look up at him. I scan his entire outfit and I almost pass out. How is it possible to be that hot? He has on a black suit, which makes his eyes pop. "Thanks you look pretty handsome yourself" I say and pat his shoulder, which makes his chuckle. He opens the door for me and I climb in. I grab the seat belt and buckle it as Nash walks around the front of the car. He opens the door and gets in the car. 

Once we start driving he asks, "That's a nice dress where did you get it from?" I freeze, but I try to cover it. 

"Oh I went shopping earlier and I just picked it up" I explain and he nods his head. It was a little weird because it was almost like he didn't believe me. 

"When did you even go to the store?" he asks and I pull my eyebrows together. 

I answer with, "Um around like 2" he nods his head slowly and keeps his eyes on the road. I'm not sure what he is up to he was with the guys all day so why does it even matter when I went to the store? We don't speak for the rest of the ride and it's actually quite awkward. The car comes to a hault. I open the door and step out before Nash can even say anything. I start walking to the entrance when Nash calls me. I roll my eyes and turn around. 

"Okay just forget what I said let's just have a nice night okay?" he asks I nod my head and he smiles at me, which I return just to make him happy. He grabs my hand and leads me into the restaurant. He tells the man his last name and he leads us through the whole place and to the one empty table. He pulls out my chair for me, which makes me smile and I take my seat. Nash sits down across from me and the man hands us menus. He smiles at me and walks away.  

We keep a light conversation while we look over the menu, but not much. The same man comes back and asks me what I would like. I tell him and he smiles and winks and turns to Nash. I pull my eyebrows together and look at Nash. He has his jaw clenched and mumbles out what he wants and the man shoots me another smile. As soon as he leaves, Nash pretty throws a fit. 

"We need a new waiter now" he says through clenched teeth. I shake my head and grab his hand. He tightens his grip on my hand, but not enough so it's hurting me. 

"Nash it's fine I just won't look at him anymore. Remember this is just a fun night no drama" I say, trying to convince him. He sighs and seems to relax. He nods his head slowly as if he is unsure of himself. I smile and sit back in my chair. The waiter comes back with our appetizers and I don't even look at him, I just start a conversation with Nash. 

We finish up dinner at 8:30 and it was great. Nash says he wants to go back to his place tonight so Tay have some time to herself and we don't bother her. We both get in the car and he starts driving back to his place. He reaches over and grabs my hand. I smile and rub my thumb across his knuckles to calm him down. I rest my head back in the seat and close my eyes. I zone out until I feel the car come to a halt. I open my eyes and take my hand away from Nash's. I get out of the car and we join hands again on the walk to the door. We walk in and he yells to the guys. We walk down to his room and I instantly walk to his closet to get some comfy clothes. I finally find some and walk into the bathroom. I wave at Nash and close the door. I slip off the dress and put it on the hanger I found in his closet. I put on the clothes and wash my face. I walk out and Nash is changed on his bed. I run over and jump on top of him. 

"Hey babe" he says and I smile. I lean down and connect our lips. I pull away and smile down at him, which he gladly returns. I giggle and rest my head on his chest. He starts to rub my back and I slowly drift off to sleep, but before I can fully fall asleep, his hand drops down to my butt. I lift my head up and he has a cheeky grin on his face. I shake my head and rest my head back on his chest. I hear him chuckle and before I know it, he rolled us so I'm under him. He leans down and starts kissing me pretty heavily. I hear him groan and his tongue invades my mouth. Honestly, I don't mind if this is what he wants to do, then I guess I'll just go along with it. 

His head moves down to the crook of my neck and I wrap my legs around his body. He chuckles and begins to rock his hips against mine. I groan and clench my teeth together. He continues to suck the skin in my neck and my eyes roll to the back of my head. All the sudden, the contact stops and I open my eyes. 

"Not tonight babe" he says and pulls the covers over his head. The one night I actually want something to happen, he has to stop it. I smile creeps onto my face and I reach under the covers and I rub his back. He hums in appreciation and I move to his stomach. I slowly make my way down lower and lower and he grabs my hand. He turns around and gives me a dirty look, which I return with a smile. 

"I will tell you time and time again, nobody likes a tease" he says and grabs my waist. He pulls me to his chest, turns off the light and draws circles on my hip. I kiss his nose and with that, I fall asleep.

Sorry for the wait and it's such a bad chapter.. But I just wanted to update for you guys. My weeks are getting so busy it's insane but hopefully I will be able to update again soon! Thanks for all the feedback love you guys enjoy!:)~K

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