Chapter 53

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Yay for double updates!


The three hours they were gone might have been the longest three hours of my life. I've never been so nervous before in my life. I know they said I should relax and not think about it, but when all of my friends are out fighting and risking their lives. Every 10 minutes I get up and look out the window to see if they are here or not. Every time I'm let down because the driveway is empty, other than my car. I return to the couch and sit down, trying to clear my mind. For some reason I have the feeling that something went wrong. Somebody got hurt. I really hope it wasn't Nash or anybody really. Just if it was Nash I would be torn. No matter how serious it was I would feel like I am at fault. 

I sit there and I can feel my eyes getting heavy as time goes on. I want to stay awake, I need to. I have to know how everything went. I allow myself to fall into a light slumber and when I hear my phone ring, I sit up straight and gather myself. When I check the time, 30 minutes had gone by. Not too bad. I grab my phone and it's a number I have seen before. I pull my eyebrows together as I try to figure out where I have seen it before. I accept the call and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I say into the phone and wait for a response. 

"Hello is this Sophie Layton?" a lady asks into the phone. 

"Um yes why?" I ask. 

"This is the hospital and you left a note to call if either Shawn Mendes or Taylor Todd woke up? Well, Shawn woke up about an hour ago and Taylor did too, we have no clue how Taylor is awake we were predicting her to be passed out for at least another week or two. But, I'm just calling to let you know." she says and a smile appears on my face. I can't help it. They are awake. Taylor isn't dead. 

"Thank you so much for calling, but are visiting hours over?" I ask into the phone. 

"Umm," she says and I can hear papers moving in the background, "no they end at 11 tonight." she says and I look at the clock. It's 9:30 now so I think I could go just for a little while. I don't think any of the guys will find out. I grab my keys from the counter and I grab my phone. I walk out and make sure to lock the door behind me. I end up running to my car because my thoughts decide to make me think somebody is following me. I lock the doors once I get in the car and I start the engine. I back out and start my drive to the hospital. I don't think this is a good idea anymore. I stop at a stoplight and feel like somebody is watching me. I hate this feeling more than words. I look around, but it's too dark outside to tell. 

I jump when I hear a knock on my window. It's a man who looks like he came from the street and he is trying to open my door. I look down and silently thank myself for locking them before I left the house. I am pretty much shaking because he starts to go to the back door and open that one. I can feel my heart beat in my ears and when I look up the light is green. I slam on the gas petal and sigh in relief once I get away from the man. I can't believe he tried to get into my car. I finally arrive at the hospital and it doesn't take long to get inside. I walk down to Tay's room because I have already visited Shawn when he was awake. I finally arrive and open the door in front of me. 

I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders when I see her sitting there in the bed, awake. Even though she still looks horrible, I'm just happy she is there, awake. I smile and fully into the room. 

"Sophie?" she says, her voice still a little hoarse because she has been asleep for days. I nod and walk over to her bed. I give her a light hug, barely touching her because I don't want to touch her. 

"Hey they called me since you woke up and I decided to come out and see you!" I say and she smiles. A weak smile, but what should I expect?

"Where is everybody?" she asks and my smile drops. 

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