Chapter 25

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It seems like I keep getting random notes from people. At this point I don't even want to read the message but I know I should. This could be really important. I scan over it and my mouth is dry at the end. I'm full of happiness, but at the same time I'm so nervous. The note is signed from Harry and I'm pretty sure it's really from him because I know his handwriting. Overall, it says that they took down Jeff? Is that even possible? According to him, they are leaving just so they don't get caught or anything. But the thing that hurt me the most was the last sentence. 

I'm sorry for everything Soph I never meant to hurt you in the end maybe we can see each other again later in time. xxHarry.

I honestly feel like shit. I've hated Harry for the longest time and now look who is saving me. I sigh and set the note down. I walk down the hall and to Nash's room. I push the door open and his eyes move over to mine. He pulls his eyebrows together and walks over to me. I puts his fingers under my chin and lifts it up. 

"What's wrong?" he asks and keeps his eyes locked with mine. I sigh and fall into his arms. 

I mumble into his shirt, "It's all my fault Harry and Jake had to leave.. They went after Jeff and if the cops find out that Jeff is dead they are screwed!" I sigh and wrap my arms around Nash's body. 

"Sophie it was their choice you can't control what they do. You might have been the reason but it's not falling on your shoulders.. You're fine just don't think about it" he says and kisses my forehead. It calms me down a little, but why would they even do that in the first place? I don't think Jeff was really planning on hurting us but that means Harry has to has some connection with Jeff. I wonder how that all happened like how long has he been working with him? 

"Soph" I hear and turn my head. Nash still has his eyes on me and he seems pretty concerned. "How about we go out tonight just to get your mind off of it?" he asks. I sigh and nod my head slowly. I don't want to say no to him because then he will think I'm going into serious depression. 

I look back up at him and he has a slight smile on his face. I sigh and ask, "What time would we go and where?" he shrugs and sits me down on the bed. He climbs to the top of the bed and places my head in his lap. He starts to run his fingers through my hair and I hum in appreciation.

"How about I take you home and you get ready. It's going to a fancy place so don't go with a dress that's too short.. I'll get you around 7" he says and I just nod my head with my eyes still sealed shut. I feel his lips on my nose and I relax. This is what I need. Just a nice night with Nash to forget about everything and everybody. 

We leave his place at 1 and load into the car. He starts driving and reaches over to grab my hand. I smile at the kind gesture and lean my head against the window. Once we pull into the driveway, we both get out of the car and he walks me to the door. We say goodbye and he gets right back in the car. I walk inside the house and lock the door behind me. 

"Tay?" I ask and I hear footsteps. 

"Hey Soph I'm in the kitchen!" she says, so I walk through the halls and into the open kitchen. I smile and sit down at the island. Tay's at the stove making something that smells great. 

She turns around and smiles at me. "What ya makin?" I ask.

"No idea I just found the recipe and went for it." I giggle and she gets out 2 plates. "Want some?" I shrug and nod my head. She takes it off the stove and slides the plate in front of me. She sits down next to me and starts eating. "So how's Shawn?" I ask her and move my eyebrows, which makes her burst out laughing.

Once she finally calms down, she says, "Good nothing has really happened though, but we are official now!" a smile grows on her face. "How about you and Nash have you done the dirty?!" I gasp which makes her laugh even harder. 

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