Chapter 12

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I open my eyes and as usual, I close them again because it's so bright in my room. I groan and mentally make a note that I need to get some blinds. I turn so my back is facing the light and grab my phone. I check the time and it's way too early for me to be up. It's 7 in the morning and I'm doing this only to go for a run. I need to stay in shape I can't get a bad body while I'm in Cali. I sit up in my bed with the covers still on my body and rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep away. I throw the cover off my legs and get out the bed and into my closet. I grab a pair of shorts, a running tank top, sports bra and sneakers. I'm probably going to be cold for the first 15 minutes, but it warms up so fast here I'll be sweating before I know it. I throw on the clothes, put my hair back up and grab my headphones. 

I walk o the door, put on my sneakers and walk out the door. I automatically get goosebumps from the crisp morning air, but I just ignore them and put my headphones in. I put my music on shuffle and turn up the volume. I walk to the end of the driveway and I stretch a little before I begin. I start to run down the block and after about 10 minutes, I'm not cold anymore. I run all around the town and barely anybody is out. I pass the beach and try to ignore the temptation of going down and putting my feet in the water. I stop for a second to just look at the sight and before I know it, I'm walking in the sand down to the water. It was too tempting for me and I just love the beach so much. 

I finally get down to the water and I put my hand in the water. It's actually not that cold, it's just right and I stand back up. I look out across the water and it looks so beautiful. I smile and close my eyes and listen to the waves crashing and the smell of the ocean. I open my eyes and take one last glance before turning around and walking back up the beach. I still have about an hour to run, so I get going again and finish up my workout. I stop at a random cafe and get  cold drink to walk back to the house with. This is what I used to do back home, but it kind of kills half the workout by getting the drink, but it wakes me up. I make my way back to the house and arrive around 11. Every time I go out running, I stay out for the longest time. 

I walk up the front door and grab the spare key under the mat and unlock the door. I open it and hear Tay's voice and a guy's voice. I don't make any noise as I listen to the guy's voice. I pull my eyebrows together once I identify the person's voice. I enter the house and close the door quietly behind me. I quietly walk down the hall to the kitchen and peak my head around the corner. Nash is standing there talking to Tay. 

"Sophie there you are!" Tay says, obviously catching me spying. I come fully around the corner with a smile on my face. 

"Yeah I went for a run what are you doing here?" I ask turning my attention to Nash. He walks over and kisses my cheek and I blush. Tay walks out of the room and I lightly shove him. 

He pulls away and pulls his eyebrows together. He says, "Why can't I kiss your cheek?" 

I roll my eyes and say, "I am all sweaty and gross. I need to shower, but answer my questionn!"

He laughs and says, "Well, I was about to make you breakfast, so why don't you go shower and when you come back there will be a bunch of food waiting for you?" I nod my head with a smile on my face and turn around and run to my room. I close the door behind me with the biggest grin on my face. I can't believe he came over just to make me food and spend time with me. Now, that's boyfriend material right there. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water and take the sweaty clothes off my body. I step in the shower and wash my body, hair and shave my legs. I grab my towel and step out of the shower. I wrap my hair in it's own towel and walk to my closet to grab some clothes. I grab the usual shorts and crop top and return to the bathroom. I put on my undergarments and slide the clothes I picked out on my body. 

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