Chapter 19

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Right when we were sitting there watching the fireworks and I kissed her, I wanted to tell her so bad my feelings for her, but I didn't want anything extreme to happen because it's too early. I know she has feelings for me but I can guarantee you that my feelings are 10 times stronger than hers. I never forgot her, and I still don't know if she forgot about me. Yesterday was so much fun with her I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. 


I open my eyes and roll over to my other side and nobody is there. I pull my eyebrows together and sit up in the bed. I stay quiet to see if the shower is on or something. Nope. Well, I guess Nash is in the kitchen or something? I grab my phone and it's already 12. Well, I guess I was more tired than I thought last night. I pull the covers away from my body and get off the bed. This house is literally freezing. I'm still in my clothes from yesterday because I passed out. I walk into his closet and grab some random clothes and slip them on. I search around for a sweat shirt and I grin comes across my face and I pull it over my body. I walk into the bathroom and do everything I usually do and walk out of his room. 

I hear voices in the living room, so I walk there and right when I turn around the corner, everybody turns to look at me. I smile and walk over to the couch Nash is on and sit down next to him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 

"We have plans tonight" he says in my ear and I nod my head in response. I almost feel like I don't have a social life anymore because I'm constantly with him, but honestly, I could care less. I tune into the conversation that everybody is having and of course, it's the most pointless conversation ever. They are talking about who is the favorite out of all of them. I roll my eyes and grab my phone from the pocket of the sweatshirt I have on. I block out whatever they are talking about and go on twitter. I go through my time line and answer a couple of people. I don't think Nash has told all the fans that we are official yet, but when he does, they are going to go insane. 

"Soo today is Friday so that means it's Jack G's day to cook breakfast! Better get going we have been talking for so long it's brunch now!" Nash says and I look up at him. I smile and he turns his head toward me. He smiles back and kisses my nose. I grin and rest my head on his shoulder. I hear Jack curse and get up and walk into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, the smell of the food he's making takes over the entire house. Not going to lie, it smells so good. 

About 30 minutes later he walks into the living room and says, "Okay it's ready and if you all run like animals you're not getting anything" I hear Matt groan and they all get up and act like normal people going to eat brunch. What a surprise. We all get out plates and go sit at the table in the dining room. Once again, they start bickering about who is the favorite. 

Then, Cam brings me into the conversation asking, "Sophie, who do you think is the most popular?"

I sigh and answer with, "To be honest there are girls that love each and every one of you so shut up and change the topic" 

"Well then I still think it's me" Cam says and I roll my eyes with a grin on my face. We finish up brunch and set the dishes in the kitchen. 

"So how about we have a game day?" Carter suggests and everybody agrees. 

Nash interupts with, "Well, we have plans today so we are out" Cam and Matt groan and walk into the living room. Everybody else nods their head in approval and follows the others into the living room. Nash grabs my hand and walks to his room. 

"What are our plans for the day?" I ask him and a smirk comes onto his face. I know that look. It means I'm not going to know until it happens. "Let me guess it's a surprise" I say and he nods his head and walks into his room. "Well, can you at least tell me when we are going?" I ask.

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