Chapter 39

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Once Nash said something to me, it pretty much pushed me over the edge. I left before I could think about anything else and now, I'm lost. I really don't want to go back and face Nash, and possible everybody else I associate with. I just keep driving down the same road and making the same turns, much like the relationship with Nash. Yes, it's been a bunch of fun and games, but it's all like the same as before. When we dated previously, I feel like we did the same things and I guess you can say I'm getting a little bored with what's going on between us. Trust me I don't want a baby to spice things up either. All I really want is to be able to have fun and not worry about anything. But lets say I am pregnant, then I have two commitments. Nash and the baby growing inside of me. It will get in the way of everything, but I guess you can say I was getting more comfortable with the idea of it. When the thought crossed my mind that I had been drinking for all that time the previous night, I got scared. That means I might have killed the person growing inside of me. Usually, Nash and I make up by now and we are back in each other's arms, but at this point I'm not sure if I want that this time. I think maybe a break is what we need. We have been together almost every day, and at first it was great, but now I think we both just need time. I know breaking the news to him will make him upset, and I know I'll end up crying in the end. He's going to bring up how we can have a life together and then I end up getting all emotional because I feel like I ruined that chance. My phone is off and I feel like I finally have time to myself without any distractions. I end up stopping at a lake that seems like a place where I can think. 

I get out of the car and sit down on a decent sized rock and let my thoughts take over. "You thinking too?" I turn around and it's Cam. 

"How in the world did you find me?" I ask him and he chuckles. He takes the seat next to me and I don't want to look at him. I don't want him to see the guilt written all over my face. 

"Well I was about to give up, but then I saw your car so the mystery is solved" he says. "But you do know that everybody is worried sick, right?" I nod my head even though I'm pretty sure he can't see what I'm doing. 

We sit in silence for a minute or two when I say, "Is he upset?" I know I was thinking about us taking a break, but that doesn't mean that I still don't worry about him. All my feelings are still there, but they aren't the strongest they have been. But, they have been weaker before when I didn't see him for 3 years. 

"Yeah he is pretty upset, but I would say he is more worried than anything. I mean you just left and he's convinced that you are like dead in a ditch" Cam says, trying to lighten the mood. He asks, "But really what's the issue I know what happened from Nash telling me but I want to hear what you have to say about it" 

I didn't want to tell Cam everything, but I had a feeling I would be much better once I did. So, I started from puking in the morning up to driving around with nowhere to go. He listened like Tay does and it felt great to get it all out. He stayed quiet as I talked and nodded his head to make sure I know he's listening. 

"And now we are here and I am totally confused with what I am doing and what to do" I say, finishing off the story. 

Cam keeps his eyes on the lake and says, "Well, if you think that you want a break, then I say go for it. I mean I know Nash is one of my best friends, but I also care about you. If you don't want to be with him at the moment then I say do what you feel is right. But, I know it won't be easy to tell him that one he's head over heels when it comes to you." I nod my head, taking in everything Cam says. 

"Yeah that's the thing I'm worried about, but I know I need to get to the doctor and figure out if I really have something in my stomach because that really determines what happens. I know I love Nash and really care about him, but I think it's all just a little too much right now" I say and Cam agrees with me. I think he knows that right now he should let me get my opinion out and then we can discuss it another time. "But, I think we should get back before Nash like kills himself" I say and Cam chuckles. We both get up and I get into my car. I follow Cam back to my place and when we arrive, there are a bunch of cars. I get out and walk up to the door, behind Cam once again. He opens the door and the first thing I see is Nash pacing back and forth. A small smile creeps onto my face and I walk into the house. 

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