Chapter 31

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This break is just what both of us needed. We are both relaxed and just enjoying each other's company. I open my eyes and Sophie is curled in a ball on the other side of the bed. I smile and get out of bed before she can wake up and walk down to the kitchen. I pull out the pans to start breakfast and get out everything I need. Usually I'm not in the mood to make food, but since it's for Soph, I wouldn't rather do anything else. What I'm still trying to figure out is how serious we are. Like are we more toward serious because I like to think that we are. I want to be able to call her mine, forever but I have a feeling if I ask her to make that commitment, she will get really freaked out and it will end in a fight. With the thought still fresh in my mind, I start making the breakfast for Soph. 


When I first wake up and Nash isn't next to me, I guess you can say I panicked just a little. There were people coming to mind that I shouldn't be thinking of since I'm on this vacation. I rub the sleep away from my eyes and sit up in bed. I really don't want to get out of bed, but once my eyes fall on the window and I see the ocean, I smile and get right up from bed. I walk down the stairs and instantly smell some sort of food. I run through the first level to the kitchen. My eyes fall on Nash at the stove. I try to be quiet and I walk up behind him as he focuses on what he's cooking. I poke his sides and he jumps like a little girl. I start laughing so hard that I have to grab onto the counter so I don't fall down. 

"That wasn't very nice" Nash says and sticks out his bottom lip. I roll my eyes and walk over to see what he's cooking. I grab a piece of bacon and he swats my hand away. "You have to wait until I'm done. But, we are going out today just a heads up" 

I hop on the counter and dangle my legs off as I take a seat. "Where are we going?" I ask and he shurgs. 

He returns back to cooking and says, "Just out to the town I'm not positive what we are doing yet" I nod my head and look around the house. Well, now I have to go actually get ready. 

"Should I go get ready?" I ask and he nods his head, without turning around. I hop off the counter and walk up the stairs to the master bedroom. I go into the closet and get out a casual outfit out that I packed. I change into the new clothes and walk into the bathroom. I let my hair out of the braid and the waves fall down my back. I smile and run the brush through my hair really fast and do my makeup. 

"Soph, the food is ready!" I hear Nash say. I set down eerything I used and exit the room. Once I make it to the kitchen, I sit down at the table that Nash left the food at. I eat pretty slow and finish up around 12. Nash goes to get ready, so I decide to go outside and wait for him. I sit down in the warm sand and stick my toes in the sand. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I sigh in relief as the sun hits my skin. It feels so great. I hear the sliding glass door open, but I keep my eyes closed. All the sudden, the sun goes away and I open my eyes, not very happy. 

I groan and say, "Please move so I can tan" Nash shakes his head and I sigh. With that, I stand up and walk toward the front of the house. "How are we even going to get to town?" he doesn't have his car and I don't think he wants to get a cab. I grab my shoes from the front door and stay outside. 

"I rented a nice car lets go" he says and grabs my hand. He laces our fingers together and we walk to the garage. He presses a button and the door opens up and a bright yellow car is revealed. My jaw falls open a little and I run over to the car. I look it all over and run my hands over the outside. Nash walks over and opens the door for me and I smile. I get in and it actually smells like a new car. Looks like he has more money than I thought. Nash climbs in the driver's side and we start driving. Nash reaches over with his right hand and rests it on my thigh, as he usually does. I rest my hand over his and keep my eyes on everything we are passing. This place really is beautiful, or at least the best place I have ever been to. 

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