Chapter 51

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I know all of the guys and I guess Sophie too want to take down Jeff, I just don't think it's going to be easy at all. Our skill all put together is like half of him. We need to be ready for anything he tries to pull. When he gets in fights, he likes to distract and attack. That's something he has used on me one two many times. I don't think I can get too many of my friends to help us, but I can get at least 10 of them. Hopefully. I know that it was Jeff that hit them, who else would leave after that. Only him because he is the biggest dick on this planet. I don't know why he thought messing with her friends would be a good idea, and then he goes and commits a crime. The police probably are going to figure out who he is and what he did, but they can never catch him. He's too smart for them and even if they did, he would get out somehow.

The only way to put a stop to this is to end him and the people around him. I want to do this Sophie, but also for myself so I don't have to deal with him calling me when he needs me and threatening me for no reason. I still don't know what I was thinking when I decided to work with him. Once I saw Sophie I knew it was a bad idea and then I couldn't stop. But the good news is now, she doesn't hate me. I would almost say we are either friends, or rather acquaintances. That's all I want. Us to be friends because she knows a lot about me and I sure as hell know a lot about her. I still wonder at random times if we would still be together if all of this didn't happen, but I kind of knew it was too good to be true. She's too good for me and I feel like my feelings for her aren't strong at all. I care for her like a brother but I couldn't ever try and get back together with her. We weren't really together before it was like friends with benefits.

Now, she's pregnant. 3 months pregnant I'm pretty sure and she's happy. At least, I think she is happy with Nash. So, I'm happy for her. I can go find somebody that suits me and I am happy with, once this shit is over. If one thing goes wrong, we could all be gone that's just how dangerous Jeff is. I don't think Sophie should really take part in this because I know how nervous she is already and we haven't even started. My phone rings and I grab it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey it's Soph I got a call from the police department or whatever." she says.

"Let me guess it was Jeff." I say into the speaker.

"Yup, so I guess that means we can start later today?" she asks, I can tell she is unsure just by the way she is talking.

"Look Soph, I know you want to but I think it would be safer for you to stay out of this. I mean, you can help us plan it and shit, but I don't think you should actually take part in it you would be safer out of it." I say, trying not to be too rude about it.

She sighs and says, "But I started this problem and it's mine to deal with so I need to no matter what I don't want to deal with him anymore."

I sigh in defeat and say, "Okay I'll head over to your place at like 2 have everybody meet there." I hang up and start to get ready for this. Hopefully they don't take forever to learn because if they do, I don't think I will have the patience to deal with them.


I understand where Harry is coming from, but I just have to much anger toward Jeff and I want to help take care of him. I step into the shower and start to wash my hair, I need to get to this appointment and I don't have much time. I hear Nash walk into the bathroom and he pokes his head into the shower. I don't feel uncomfortable around him at all anymore.

"Can I help you?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"How about I join you?" he says with a grin on his face. I roll my eyes and he pulls his head out of the shower. I continue to rinse my hair when he pulls back the curtain all the way and steps in. I can't help my wandering eyes that travel down his body and I blush slightly once I see his length. "It's rude to stare, babe." he says with a smirk on his face.

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