Chapter 50

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"A plan to take down Jeff." Harry says and I turn to him. 

"You really think all off us put together can manage to take down a guy that has an army the size of this entire state?" I ask him and he smirks. 

"Sophie, don't be silly. I know we can't do it alone, so I will just get a couple of my buddies to help us out. And by a couple, I mean about 15 or 20. We need backup." he says and I turn my gaze to the guys and they all are in deep thought, either looking down at the floor or their eyes going back and forth from me to Harry.

"I think it might work honestly." Jack says. 

The others nod their heads and Harry says, "See, we just need everybody on board and then we are going to have to learn some new skills." I don't think I want to learn how to shoot a gun at somebody. I would rather sit here and deal with all the obstacles Jeff is throwing at us. I don't want to deal with us being the cause of somebody's death. But, then again the obstacles Jeff is doing aren't really safe at all. I refuse to lose anybody no matter how it happens. 

"Fine. Just none of us get hurt." I say, trying to convince myself that this is a good idea.

"Ok are we all in?" Harry asks and scans over all the guys sitting in the group. They all nod their heads and mumble a couple yes and why nots. "So, we are going to have to be safe about this. None of us need any more trouble than we are already in. We need to do this, quick and easy and never think about it again." he says and I nod my head with my eyes on the ground. I don't think I am capable of doing this, but I know I need to. 

"When are we starting?" Carter asks and Harry pauses to think it over.

"We can start as soon as you guys are ready. I just need a little heads up. Maybe like 2 days so you guys can be ready and then we can just jump into it." he says and we all nod our heads. Well, more like the guys nod their heads I'm still not sure what I want to do. Harry bids us all goodbye and leaves us all alone in the hospital room. I don't really think I want to agree with this plan. The more I think about it, the more I don't want them to do it. I have a feeling one of us is going to get hurt and that's the last thing I need. 

"Sophie are you okay?" Nash asks and rubs his hand on my thigh. I look up and nod my head with a closed smile, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm just worried about all of us going and trying to take down Jeff. I honestly don't think we can take him." I say and look at all of the guys. Most of them look carefree and could care less what is going to come. I think I am more worried than all of them put together because I just don't want to lose anybody. I can't. 

"Guys, we don't even know if this was Jeff." Cam says. He's right. This could've been a mistake and we were just too quick to jump to conclusions. Maybe it was some drunk person who just got in a fight, or a woman who just didn't want to deal with the drama of getting in an accident. We don't know and that's the problem. 

"I mean I guess we can wait until the police can track down who did it?" I ask and they all nod their head in agreement. I text Harry really quick about what we decided and he really doesn't have a choice in saying no because he needs us to help take down Jeff. He agrees and we try to talk about anything else to take our attention away, but it's not really helping. Sitting in this room really isn't helping me, but we are here to see Tay and Shawn. 

"I think we should all head home and come back tomorrow." Matt says and I nod my head. I can feel my eyes slowly closing, just from how tired I am. I just want a good night sleep and then we can come back tomorrow, refreshed and start to discuss the plan. I stand up and strech because I have been sitting in that seat for easily 3 hours. I want to go home even though it's already really late. Nash grabs my hand and we say bye to all the guys. We walk to the elevator and I rest my head on his shoulder as the elevator starts its way down. 

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