Chapter 9

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I check my makeup one last time in the mirror and I walk to the door. I open it and I'm face to face with Nash in a black suit. I had to keep my mouth shut because my jaw almost dropped. He looks stunning. 

"You look great" he says, snapping me out of my daze. I smile and step outside and close the door behind me. 

"Thanks you look very handsome" I say and poke his cheek. He smiles and offers me his arm, which I gladly take. We walk to the car and as usual, he opens the door for me. I step in and he closes the door behind me and jogs around the car. He gets in, starts the engine and we take off. 

"What place are we going to?" I ask. 

"Some fancy place. I don't really know how to pronounce it though" he says and I laugh. I honestly don't know what came over me when I stopped talking to him. We actually get along really well. At least, a lot better than Harry and I. My attention returns to the road and we exit the highway. We drive in silence for another 10 minutes and the car comes to a halt. 

"Ready?" he asks and I nod my head with a smile. He opens his door and walks around the car to open mine. I step out of the car and link my arm with his and we walk into the restaurant. From the outside, it looks very fancy and classy. There is a man at the door and he opens the door for us with a smile. We walk in and I look all around the place. It's huge and everybody is dressed up. 

"Two for Grier please" he says to the man with a smile. The man nods his head and we walk around all the tables and finally sit down at one. 

"What are you going to get?" Nash asks as he looks over the menu. 

"I think I'm going to get either the pasta or the salad what about you?" I ask and look up to meet his blue eyes. 

"Steak since I'm a man" he says and flexes his muscles. I roll my eyes and return to the menu with a giggle. The waiter comes over and takes our order, which leaves us with a bottle of wine and time to talk. 

"So, Nash how's your family?" I ask him and he smiles. 

"They are really good. I haven't seen them as much lately, but overall they are great" he says. I smile with a nod. "What about you? How have you been?" he asks. 

It takes me a little to think about how to answer the question. I guess I could say I'm fine, but that would be a lie. "I guess I'm doing okay" I say before I can think about it anymore. Nash nods his head with a smile and I reach down to pick up my drink. 

"Why?" Nash asks and I look up with my eyebrows pulled together. 

"Hm?" I ask and he keeps his eyes locked with mine. 

"Why did you stop talking to me?" he asks and I sigh. "Please just tell me that's all I want to know. Did I do something wrong?" he asks. 

I shake my head and say, "No not at all. To be honest, I'm not sure what happened either. I guess you can say we had a fall out since we didn't see each other and all we could do was talk. Then, Harry came around and he just seemed so nice to me, but I guess I was wrong." I say and look back up at Nash. He still has his eyes on me, but they almost look sorry.

"See, I thought I did something wrong. Like I did something that made you hate me, so that's why I kind of just stopped trying. When I would try to get in touch with you, I never got a response, so I thought we were over." he says. Now, I feel like the guilty one because he thought this was all his fault. I thought he had moved on with some other girl and I would never see him again. But, I guess you can say fate brought us together.

"No not at all. I was just a little confused I guess you can say and I'm so sorry about that" I say and I feel his hand cover mine on the table. I smile and so does he.

"It's okay how about we start over?" he asks. I nod my head and he removes his hand from mine. "Hi I'm Nash. What's your name?" he asks and sticks out his hand. I laugh and offer him my hand.

"My name is Sophie" I say and he kisses the back of my hand. I blush and he releases my hand.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you Sophie. You are extremely beautiful" he says, which makes me blush even more. "And, you're cute when you blush" he adds, with a smile.

"Well, thanks Nash. You're not too bad yourself" I say and he chuckles.

"Well, thanks" he says and I smile. We keep up the conversation for the rest of the dinner and we finish up around 8. Nash pays the bill and we walk out of the restaurant and into the warm air. I grab Nash's hand and intertwine our fingers. We walk around the small streets with little shops. They are all lit up with signs, which makes it look beautiful.

"Where do you want to go?" he asks me.

"How about the beach? That's my favorite place ever" I say, with a smile.

"Fine, but only for you" he says and I jump up and down. We start the walk to the beach and when we finally arrive, I take off my heels and step into the sand. I smile and hold my shoes in my right hand and hold the bottom of my dress with my left hand. I run down to the water and stick my feet in the water. I close my eyes and enjoy the nice breeze coming off the water.

I feel hand on my waist and I jump. "It's just me" Nash says into my ear and I relax. I close my eyes again and lean my head back on his shoulder.

"You know what?" he asks and I turn around to face him.

"What?" I ask.

"I never stopped liking you" he confesses. "I always thought about what you were doing with your life now, who you're friends with and stuff like that. Then, when I finally saw you in person, I was stunned. I wasn't expecting you to look this beautiful" he says and reaches his hand up to brush my cheek. I lean my head into his hand and I smile. I put my arms around his neck and lean my head into his. I close my eyes and he closes the gap between us. Our lips connect and we both get lost in the kiss. Perfect place ever, with the best person ever.

If we keep kissing and always being together, I know I'm going to end up with him again. There's no way I won't since I'm already falling for him now. The thing is, I'm not sure if I want to get back into a relationship. Yeah, it's so much fun because you always have somebody, but it's summer and I want to be able to have fun. Maybe we can either take it slow, or just be friends. But, I know it will crush him if I say that. I need to think about where I want us to stand at this point. I'm pretty sure he wants us to get back together just like old times, but I'm not sure yet.

I pull away and rest my head on his chest. "Ready to go?" he asks and I nod my head. He grabs my hand and we walk off the beach and to his car. I get in first and then he does the same. He starts the car and we take off to my house. It doesn't take long and when we pull up, we get out and he walks me to the door.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon?" he asks and I nod my head with a smile.

"Sounds great make sure to say hi to everybody for me okay?" I ask and he nods. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. He pulls me in for a hug, which wasn't what I was expecting. I relax and smile. He releases me and we say our final goodbyes. I unlock the door and walk right up to my room. I take off the dress and get in the shower really quick. I finish up and get ready for bed and it feels so good to lay down. I close my eyes and think about the kiss Nash and I shared, and I can't help but smile.

I'M BACK GUYSSSS! I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow, so I should be able to update during the day. Thanks sooo much for waiting and all the feedback you guys are great. Sorry this is short I'm tired, but I wanted to update for you guys. Love you all and enjoy!:)~K 

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