Chapter 46

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"Sophie?" Cam says once he opens the door. The look on his face is total suprise. 

"Yeah um hi." I say, not having any clue what I should say to him. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks as I walk into the house. 

"Well, I was out and then I started thinking about Nash and I decided it is probably best if I talk to him now." I explain and he nods his head.

"Do you want me to go and tell him or?" I shake my head and he just pulls his eyebrows together. 

"I'll just go talk to him now." I say and he nods his head I start the walk to his room and I try to walk slow, just so I can gather my thoughts. I have no clue what I want to say to him, but I need to come up with something, fast. I finally arrive at his door and take a couple minutes to see if I can hear voices or anything, but I don't, so I turn the knob and walk in. 

The first thing I see is Nash layed out on his bed and he is staring up at the ceiling. "Nash?" I ask, unaware what he is doing. He turns his head and his jaw drops. 

"Sophie what are you doing here?" he asks and sits up. 

"Oh um I just wanted to talk.. But I mean I can come back another time if you're busy or something." I say and start to turn around. 

"No no stay! We can talk no problem." he says and starts to walk over to me. Once I turn around, he is close to me and I gasp a little bit. I didn't think it would be like this I thought I would walk in and then we would end up screaming at each other and figuring it out, but I guess I was wrong. 

"So umm.." I say, having no clue where I should start. We end up sitting on the edge of his bed, but pretty far away from where we usually sit. 

"What did you want to talk about? Like what happened last night?" I nod my head slowly and he sighs. "I'm so sorry about that Sophie I didn't me-" I cut him off. This is my time to explain what I have to say to him. 

"No Nash just let me explain. I was just mad and upset with everybody and everything that night. I have a person in my stomach, which I keep forgetting about because of everything happening around me. I want to be able to be happy and have fun with my life and not have these worries. You and I were happy with everything happening up to the trip and once it was over, it was all downhill from there. We were haing a great life together and I honestly thought it wasn't going to stop there. But, it did and now we aren't ever together and I absolutely hate it. Look, you ended up cheating on me last night but you were drunk and thought I cheated on you. We could've talked about it but we both over reacted and now we are here." I say and he sits there, taking it all in. 

"Look Sophie you don't understand the fact that I don't function with out you. I sit there and even when the guys want to go out with me, I sit in my bed and think about everything we used to have. What sucks the most is we were fighting the night before too, so the only reason I slept was because I could barely walk and I just passed out. Two nights in a row I didn't sleep well because of us fighting. At this point, if we are over I want it to be definite because I can't do this anymore. We need to make a final decision and make sure that it's what we want." he says and I sigh. I want to be with him, it's just when I saw him kissing that girl, my heart broke. I want to say that my feelings for him are the same, but that's lying. They aren't the same as they used to be. 

While I was thinking, I guess Nash was looking at me for an answer. I look up at him and when we make eye contact, I start to feel the tears coming on. Before I know it, there are tears running down my face. I don't know why, but I am emotional and just lately I am so upset and confused. I feel his arms around me and I start to break down. I dig my face into his neck and wrap my arms around the frame of his body. I cry into his neck and I feel like this is what I needed. Just to sit down and talk with Nash, or just having time between the two of us where we aren't out it public. 

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