Chapter 40

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I'm actually really surprised I even fell asleep last night, but once I woke up I felt like complete shit. I didn't want to do anything, it's like my whole day was off because I didn't talk to Nash since last night. Usually, he's either next to me, or waking me up with a good morning call or text. At this point, I don't know what I was thinking, but I regret it. I just want him back so we can be together, but I understand that it's my fault we aren't together. I sit in my bed and the thoughts of last night run through my mind. It brings tears to my eyes to think about him crying and asking for me to just forgive him. The thing is I would, but I just don't think right now is the right time for us in general. We have been going for a while and there comes that point in every relationship where you just want to stop and take a breather. Just time away. That does't mean that we can't see each other, it just would make it harder. If he comes over with the guys, I'm not going to ignore him totally, he just won't be able to do the things we would do. 

"Sophie are you awake?" Tay asks as she knocks on the door. 

I mumble, "Yeah" and the door opens. I'm not sure if they all know what happened or not, but I think Tay know since I've been camping out in my room for half the day. She walks in and sits down on my bed in front of me. She looks into my eyes and I keep my eyes on her. 

"Are you alright?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Well, what happened? Was it something with Nash?" she asks and I simply nod my head. "Was it a fight?" she asks and I nod my head one more time. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders again. 

She sighs and I start talking. "Yeah we had a fight, but it was more than that.." I say and she nudges me to continue. "Well, I suggested a break and he tried to stop me, but last night that was all I wanted and now I'm single.." I say and I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes. 

"No Soph you're not single you two are still together, just not fully. Don't think about going out and finding another guy because you aren't going to. I know you and Nash, and the two of you are inseparable. I guarantee you he isn't doing any better than you right now and I would suggest maybe the two of you making up? I know that this whole baby thing is really taking its toll on you guys, so I got you a doctors appointment for today at 4" she says to me. I fall back on my bed and groan. I really don't even want to leave the house, let alone go find out if I have a baby in my stomach or not. 

With my head in the pillow, I ask, "Do I have to go today I really don't wan to!" she giggles lightly and pulls me leg. 

"Yes you do it's already 1:30 and you probably should get up, eat and get ready" she says and starts to pull me out of the bed. I grab the sheets, trying to do anything to stay in bed but she manages to pull me out and I finally get up. I walk down to the kitchen and there is a bunch of food sitting on the island, waiting for me. I grab a plate and actually manage to eat all the food. I didn't eat much last night, considering the circumstances. I finish up all the food on my plate and put it in the sink. 

Tay walks over to me and hands me my phone and I sigh. "I really don't even want to turn it on" 

"Just do it and see what he says, or after we get home from the doctors" she says. I nod my head and walk into my room and start getting ready. I'm just going to read the messages once I get back because I really don't want it to ruin my day. I step out of the shower and start trying to make myself look half presentable. I put on the first shirt and shorts I find and walk out of my room. 

"Okay lets go" I say and we walk to the car and I get in the passenger seat. Tay starts driving and I rest my head back in the seat. I close my eyes and I almost fall asleep, but I feel the car stop moving and we walk into the building. Now, I'm just nervous and I'm really dreading even going in. Tay grabs my arm and pulls me inside. She goes to the desk and checks me in. I sit down in the chair in the waiting room and I can feel the sweat increasing in my hands. Tay takes a seat next to me and she rubs my back, trying to calm me down. I smile slightly and nurses come in and out calling names of random people. One lady comes out and calls my name. Tay smiles at me and pushes me toward the door. I walk in with the nurse and she starts taking my weight, height and everything they would before a normal doctor check up. 

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