Chapter 5

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We get in the car, with our hair still wet, but it's not bad since we live in Cali. It was so much fun with Nash and I really don't want it to end. I mean, I just wasn't expecting it to be this much fun. 

"Did you have fun?" he asks as we pull out of the parking lot. 

"Yeah it was a lot of fun, but I wasn't scared on any of those rides" I say, trying to sound tough. 

"Oh yeah I bet" he says and laughs. Nash turns up the radio and hums along with the song. I wasn't sure the name of the song, but I've heard it before. "You know what's weird?" he asks me and I look over at him. "Taylor's the one that set us up this time. Before, he was trying to get in between us and prevent us from dating" he says. I nod and laugh.

"I know he was very strict about me going out with you and before he didn't want me even to talk to you" I say.

"Well, he came through" Nash says and I smile. We stay silent the rest of the ride home, but like on the way here, it wasn't uncomfortable at all. He pulls up the driveway to my apartment and goes around to open my door. I smile and step out. He leads me up to the door and now here comes the awkward part. 

"Well, thanks a lot, Nash. I had a lot of fun" I say. I see him smile, but barely since it's pretty dark out. 

"No problem. Maybe we can meet up another time?" he asks and I nod my head with a smile. 

"Sounds great" I say and pull him in for a hug. I don't think he was expecting it, since he doesn't react at first. But, he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back. It felt right. I haven't hugged him in the longest time and it felt great. I pull away, even though I don't want to and say goodbye one final time. He walks away from the steps and to his car. He gets in, puts the car in drive and pulls away. I smile and unlock the door. I walk in and take off my shoes. 

"HOW WAS IT?!" Tay screams from the living room. I roll my eyes and walk into the living room, prepared to get interviewed by Tay. 

"It was... Good" I say and take a seat on the couch next to her. 

"That's it? I need detaills!" she says and mutes the TV. 

I sigh and say, "So, he ended up taking me to a water park and it was a lot of fun. Surprisingly, it wasn't weird or anything, but he's a lot better than Harry" I look over at her and she has the biggest smile on her face. 

"Sooo date!" she says and my eyes go wide. I shake my head and her smile goes away. "Why nottt?!" she asks. 

"He has s girlfriend" I say and her eyebrows scrunch together. 

"What?" Tay asks, obviously confused. 

"Yeah remember today at the beach they were talking about her behind us?" I ask, trying to jog her memory. 

"I wasn't listening to them! But, I bet you anything they were lying to get a reaction out of you" she says. I shake my head and get up.

"It wasn't really a date it was like a friend thing. His girlfriend, Sarah, is coming soon and he's going to be busy with her. I just gotta move on" I say walking into the kitchen.

"Oh hell no! I'm gonna call Cam!" she screams and I drop the food in my hands and run to the living room. She already had her phone to her ear, talking into it. 

"Oh so that was all fake?" she asks, making me aware of what Cam is saying. 

"Okay thanks and yeah we will be there. Yeah okay bye" she says into the phone and looks at me with a smile on her face. 

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