Chapter 41

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When I wake up, I know today isn't going to be a good day. I really am dreading going to see Nash because I have a feeling it's not going to end well. He's either going to be really upset, or he might not even care at all and I honestly have no idea which one I would prefer. I get into the shower and start to get ready. I don't know where he wants to meet up but I know it's going to be awkward. Once I have my teeth brushed, clothes on and hair drying I grab my phone. I would normally call him because when I hear his voice my day is so much better, but since we are on these terms, I just text him. I say, Hey so can you meet at the cafe in town at 12? I wait for him to answer and it's almost instant. He agrees and that was all he said. 

I do my makeup and head to the kitchen to see if Tay is up. It's 11:39 now and it only takes about five minutes to get there so I think I am fine. Tay is standing there with the fridge open trying to decide what to eat. "Hey Tay I'm going out in about ten so I'll be back" I say and sit down in the chair. 

"Where you going?" she asks and turns to look at me. I guess you can say I look better than usual. This time I decided to do some foundation, just to try and not look like total death when he sees me. She continues with, "And why do you look fancy?"

I roll my eyes and say, "Number one I do not look fancy I am wearing shorts and a shirt and number two I am going out to talk to Nash and figure this all out" a smirk comes onto her face and she turns around to hide it. "What?!" I ask and this time she giggles. 

"Oh nothing it's just.. Never mind" she says and I groan. I know she's hiding something and I want to know what it is.

I stand up and walk over to her, just so I can see her face and tell if she's lying. "What was that, come on just tell me!" I say and she looks away. "Come on Tay I won't be mad!" I say and she finally gives in. 

"Okay so all of the other guys and me made a bet with when you and Nash would talk again, or rather see each other again and I guessed today.. Oh and we all put money on it too" she says. Not going to lie, normally I would be pissed, but we are all so close that I could care less. "Oh and I wasn't suppose to tell you, but you did just win me 50 bucks so thanks!" with that, she walks out of the kitchen and to her room. I check the clock and it's already 11:55, so I better get going because I might be late. 

I grab the keys to my car, that I barely drive and start my way to the cafe. When I finally arrive after all the traffic and stop lights, it's 12:03, so I'm not that late. I look through the cars as I walk up to the entrance and I see Nash's. Well, looks like the time is finally here and I really hope this goes well because this can honestly make or break our relationship. I open the door and look around at everybody. Finally my eyes land on the person I feel like I haven't seen in ages. He's sitting there on his phone, something he has always done and he's totally unaware that I'm here. I walk over to the table he's at and pull out the chair. This causes him to pick up his head and once I get a good look at his face, it's hard for me not to gasp out loud. 

His face is all red and blotchy, and I'm guessing it's from crying. His eyes are blood shot and trust me he isn't the kind of guy that would go and get stoned, no matter what is going on his life. Me compared to him must make me look so much stronger, but under all this makeup, I'm really not. I have the heavy bags under my eyes, just like him but the thing is I covered it up with the makeup. He can't. We are both upset, just I'm able to hide it and he isn't.

"Hey" he says, finally breaking the silence. I take my seat and take a breath. 

"Hi" I say. I don't think ever before have our conversations started like this. 

"You look good" he says, now I'm not sure if he meant with the situation we are in or just in general, trying to be nice. 

Either way I respond with, "Thanks you too" 

He chuckles, lightly and says, "Oh you don't have to lie I know I look like total shit" I smile lightly and he returns the gesture. There is a silence and he says, "So you went to the doctors, how did that go?" 

"Well, it was pretty good I had to do a bunch of stuff, but overall it was well and the baby is fine, so they say" I say and he nods his head, taking in the information. 

"So it's healthy right?" I nod my head at his question and look around at the people here. "Sophie.." he says and I turn to face him. He looks like he is about to burst into tears any second. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and he shakes his head and I get up. I grab him by the arm and pull him out of the cafe before anybody can question us. I cross the street and walk to the park and sit us down at a bench, not facing people. I hear his uneven breathing and I have no clue what to do. My brain is saying let him stop crying himself, but my heart wants me to comfort him, something I have been doing for a while. I finally react with my heart and I pull him into my arms. Never before in my life has he ever been like this. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me toward him. It feels like we haven't been this close in a while and I really miss it. 

"Sophie I miss you so much you have no clue you are over here, totally stable and I can barely do anything without you" he says and I swear that my heart almost broke at those words. "Please please please just let us go back to what we used to be," he says picking up his head and looking into my eyes, "Just let it all go back to normal please" I look into the blue eyes that are all puffy from the crying and I take my thumb and wipe away the tears from under them. He leans his head into my hand and closes his eyes. I smile and I get lost in all the memories I have with him. If I ended this with him, I would be so lost. He has been with me for the longest time and when weren't speaking for a day, we were both a mess. I know that I think we should be separated, but I know if we do that then we will both end up in bad places, making mad choices. The best idea is to just stay together and just try to get through it. 

I lean my head on his shoulder and that was almost my way of saying, this is stupid lets just get over it. "I know what you're saying Nash I feel the same way you do and time apart was so stupid I don't know what I was thinking. I know we are better off together because look at us now we are falling apart and we were apart for what? One day? That's not good, but I guess you can say that's just how we are." he nods his head and I glance out in the distance, thinking about the future. Something that scares me, but I am excited for it. The only thing is, anything can happen. I could loose Nash any minute now. He could get in an accident, or find somebody better so I need to just cherish the momments we have now. He kisses my head and stands up. He wipes his face with his hands and when he reveals his face, he has a smile on his face. 

"Okay lets start over!" he says and grabs my hand. I get up and he intertwines our fingers. We start walking around the path and Nash keeps a lovely conversation going. For a couple minutes, I forget about everything that has happened. At this point, I think we should just live in the moment because it can end any second. We leave the park and head back to the cafe. 

I say, "So why don't I take my car back to my house and you pick me up so we can go get something to eat?" Nash nods his head. With a kiss on the cheek, he is in his car and starts to follow me. Right when I park in my driveway, I get out and move into Nash's car. We head to a nice little dinner not too far away for brunch. We take our seats and order a bunch of food. It comes pretty quickly and I dig in since I feel like I haven't eaten in ages. I think for the first time in forever (Frozen), I have eaten more than Nash, or at least close to equal. 

Once we finish eating we go for a walk and Nash starts talking about old times and I can't help but smile at all the memories. "I remember when you hated me and like wanted Taylor. I was totally pissed with the world, but look who got you" he says and bumps my hip. I roll my eyes and giggle. He stops us and I look up at him, thinking something is wrong. He has his eyes locked on mine and starts lowering his head. I close my eyes and connect our lips. It was a kiss that was sweet and full of emotion. I don't think I have ever missed his lips this much before. We stand there and forget about everything in the entire world and focus on us. 

Sorry for not updating! But we are happy again, just a little bump in the road! Can you guys please go check out @magcon36 s stuff thanks! Love you all so much and thanks again for all the support!:)~K

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