Chapter 4

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"Sophie!" Tay screams. I sigh and roll over my other side and try to block her out. "SOPHIE!" she screams again. I groan and push the covers off my body and get up and walk to the door. I open it and poke my head out. 

"What the fuck do you want" I ask her and she comes into view.

"Why did you leave the party?!" she asks and I groan and return to my bed, leaving the door open. 

"Harry and I are totally over" I say and I hear her push the door open and the bed dips. 

"Are you serious?" she asks and I keep my eyes shut. "Why?!" she asks. She is questioning me and it's too early for this shit. 

"He almost slapped me and I caught him cheating so I left" I say simply. 

"HE ALMOST SLAPPED YOU?!" she screams and I throw the pillow over my head and groan. 

"Yes Tay holy shit." I spit back.

"Why didn't you come find me?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders. She sighs and gets up. I fix my position so I am facing her and she looks pissed and upset. 

"I'm fine Tay. I got a ride home and he didn't touch me" I say.

"Who took you home?" she asks curiously. I groan and she sits back down, waiting for my answer. 

"Taylor" I say quietly. I was pretty sure she didn't hear, but I'm wrong. 

"CANIFF?!" she screams. I don't know how she has this much energy this early. 

"Yes" I say and her jaw drops. 

"Why was he there in the first place?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders. She fills me in on Jake and finally leaves me alone in my room. I'm trying really hard to keep myself together over Harry, but it's hard. I didn't break down last night because of everything I drank. Since I'm already up, I don't think I will be able to go back to sleep. I get out of bed and grab my phone. Surprisingly, I have a text from Taylor. Did you decide?! I roll my eyes and set my phone down. Now I have to make a decision, even though I pretty much made it last night. 

Yeah I'm going to since I owe you one. When? I hit send and walk into the kitchen. I grab some food and sit down at the table on my phone while I eat. I wonder if I can hook Shawn up with Tay. Then, a thought crosses my mind. What about the girl Sarah that is 'dating' Nash? If they were telling the truth, I don't want to go out with him. But, if she finds out, we can say we are just friends, which is what we are. My phone rings and I open the message. How about I just tell him to text you? Will you actually answer him this time? I roll my eyes. Of course he told all the guys that I never answer when he texts me. I text Taylor fine and return to my room. 

I don't get a text from Nash for a while and I start to get nervous. What if he doesn't want to go with me anymore? That would totally suck and I would probably punch Taylor. My phone rings and I scramble to find it. Hey Soph it's Nash:) I close my eyes and try to get the smile off my face, but I can't. Did he think I deleted him from my contacts or something? It takes me a couple minutes to come up with something to respond with, but I finally come up with, Hey Nash! So what's the plan? I hope he doesn't push the date off to another day. I hop into the shower and once I get out, I have 2 texts. One from Taylor and one from Nash. The one from Taylor says, ANSWER HIS TEXT NOW. I roll my eyes and tell Taylor I was in the shower. I open Nash's text and it says, I was thinking tonight unless you are busy.. Awe that's so cut- no I can't think that. We are just friends that's it. 

Okay what time and what should I wear? I set my phone down and try not to jump up and down because we are actually going to be together. I guess you can say I've been waiting for this to happen. I smile and walk to my closet to grab something to wear. For now, I just grab shorts and a tank top and once Nash tells me what we are doing I'll change. I sit down on my bed and pull out my laptop and my phone rings. I feel like every time it rings, I jump and almost fall on my face to get it. I open the text from Nash and it says, Well, we have 2 places we could go. One you would need a bathing suit and the other you would need a dress. Your choice. Now he's being all mysterious and I like it. I'm not gonna lie. I don't have any good dresses, so I guess I'm gonna have to go with the bathing suit place. How about the place where I need a bathing suit. I mean, what could it possibly be the beach again?

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