Chapter 2

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Once Soph left to go back to New York, we talked for about a month and then it just stopped. Or more like she wouldn't answer me. I was really hoping that we could stay in touch and maybe the next time she went to Florida, I could go down there and we could hang out, but she never answered me. I mean, yeah I tried to move on, but it was so hard. I fell for Sophie, really hard. When she left, the guys tried to cheer me up, but half the time it didn't work. I headed back home a couple days after Soph and it came to the point where I was constantly traveling for Magcon. We even held Magcon in New York and she never answered me about where she was or anything. I'm guessing she moved on, but I have no idea how. I thought we were perfect together and nothing could come in between us, but I was obviously wrong. Teenage love.

Well, now I finished up online school and I'm pushing off college for now. I would say I've changed a lot since the summer with Sophie. But, the thought always going through my head is what does she look like now. I mean I have a good picture from her twitter and Instagram, but I bet she looks even better in person. Magcon ended about a year ago, but all of us stayed in contact. So, for this summer, we all decided to go to Cali and rent a house. A bunch of our friends live here, which works well. 

Today, we decided to head to the beach just to have a relaxed day. A bunch of girls recognized us, and we took pictures and stuff, but Cam comes running over to me. 

"Nash I have major news" he says and I look at him. "Sophie is here and so is Tay" he says looking over at Shawn. They had a fall out as well. 

"Are you messing with us?" Shawn asks and Cam shakes his head no. I look over at Shawn and he has the same look on his face as me. If she's really here, I need to see her as soon as possible. I try to look at everybody on the beach, but I don't see her. But, I haven't seen her in years, so for all I know she could be totally different. What if she wants nothing to do with me? 

"Yo there's Tay" Matt says pointing and I snap my attention to where he's pointing. My eyes land on a tall girl and my eyes go wide. She looked nothing like that when we first met her. She changed so much. 

"Holy shit" Shawn says and I chuckle. 

"So where's Sophie?" I ask everybody. 

"Well... I hear she's taken, bro" I hear Taylor say. I turn to him and sigh. 

"By who?" I ask curiously. 

"Some guy named Henry? Something like that I dunno" Taylor says and I nod my head. I try to scope out the beach, but I end up with no luck. There are a lot of people here, so I might not see her, but I have to. I sit down and try to calm myself down. I can't believe we ended up in the same place again. I would say that's fate but I think Sophie thinks otherwise. I wonder if she even knows I'm here. If she does, she's probably going to avoid me at all costs. 

"3:00" Cam says and I look up and my jaw drops. Right at 3:00, Sophie is standing there deep in conversation with Tay. Holy shit. She's so much tanner and the white bathing suit she's wearing fits her perfectly. I look up at her face and it's gotten even more beautiful. 

"Should I go talk to her?" I ask the guys. 

"Hmm that's a hard one, bro. I mean if she's taken by that guy, I don't know if that's a good move" Cam says and I nod my head. But I need to hear her voice. I don't care if she's talking to me or not, I just want to hear it. 

"Anybody hungry?" I ask standing up. 

Jack chuckles and stands up. "Nice way to get over there. Lets go" he says and we start our walk to the cafe. Sophie and Tay are now standing in line which means we might be able to talk to them, if I get lucky. 

"What do you want to get?" I ask Jack crossing my arms across my chest. I look up at the menu, but it's hard when Sophie is pretty much right in front of me. 

"I'm thinking a burger and fries or something.. You?" he asks and I tap my chin with my finger, thinking. 

"Probably same thing. It sounds good" I say and he nods his head. I return my attention to Sophie and Tay and Sophie looks tense. Jack nudges me and nods toward Sophie. I put up my hands pretty much asking him how. 

He sighs and says, "How's Sarah?" I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion, but then I pick up on it. 

"Oh yeah she's great. I think she's coming down tomorrow to stay with us" I say. I glance over to see if Sophie is paying attention, but she has her arms crossed over her body and she's tapping her foot impatiently. I smirk and return to my conversation with Jack. 

"Aw man that's amazing how long have you two been going?" he asks me and I pause to come up with an answer. 

"Umm.. I'm pretty sure we have our one year next month" I say and Jack smirks back at me. The line slowly begins to move, but Jack and I say nothing to each other the rest of the time. They take our order and Jack and I take a seat to wait for our food. It comes out quickly and I pick up the ketchup to put on my burger. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. My eyes go wide when I'm faced with Sophie. 

"Can I use that?" she asks pointing at the ketchup in my hands. I try to form words in my mouth, but nothing is coming out. I hand her the ketchup and our fingers brush, which makes her gasp. I smile and turn around to grab the food I set down. 

"Thanks" she says and I smile at her with a nod. She turns around and walks away from the cafe and probably back to her boyfriend. I almost smack myself in the face for not saying anything. Then again, I couldn't say anything because she's so stunning. Jack walks over to me with his eyebrows raised. 

"What just happened?" he asks as we make our way back to our spot on the beach. 

"She came over and asked for the ketchup and I froze" I say and he laughs. 

"She went to you for a reason. There was seriously 5 other ones that nobody was using" he says. I didn't notice that then, but now that he mentions it, I smile. 

"Well, I mean" I say pointing at myself and Jack laughs. We take a seat with the guys and Shawn is still pretty much drooling over Tay. I throw a fry at him and he snaps his attention to me. 

"What was that for?!" he asks and I laugh. 

"Stop drooling over Tay and go find another girl there are so many here" I say motioning toward all the people on the beach. Shawn rolls his eyes and looks around the beach. 

"Aye Cam when are the girls coming?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I think a week or so?" Cam says and I nod my head. Maybe we can get the girls to invite Sophie and Tay over and I will show up and then she will have to talk to me and I won't freeze up again. I still can't believe I did that, but her voice was so perfect. I can't believe she has changed so much. I wasn't expecting that from her, but now she's taken and I really cant do anything about it. 

"Why don't you take your own advice and go find another girl" Matt says nudging me. I roll my eyes and stand up to throw away my trash. I turn around and my eyes land on Sophie and some guy kissing. I try to get a better look at the guy. He's a little bigger than me and he has mad curly hair. I mean, I could go over there and be a dick and talk to Sophie, but like Matt said. I need to take my own advice and go find somebody else. It's not going to be easy, but I need to. 

"Yo do you guys want to go out tonight?" I ask all of the guys. 

"Yeah why not. Trying to get over Sophie?" Jack asks and I roll my eyes.

For the rest of the day, I try to keep my eyes off Sophie, but it's hard. But, when he finally leave, we walk by her and Tay and I feel her eyes on me, which makes me smirk. I really want to know what she thinks of me because she's the one ignoring me. So, my plan is to ignore her just like she did to me and she if she cracks first. It might work, and it might backfire but, I'm just going to hope for the best. 

Sorry it's short I'm going to try and make them longer as it goes on. Yes, Harry is pretty much Harry Styles, but he's not famous. I hope you guys like it and thanks for 1K! Enjoy:)!~K

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