Chapter 35

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Once I finally put everything together, I run back to Nash and he's still asleep. I run over so I'm in front of him and shake him. His eyes shoot open and they fall onto me. "What's wrong?!" he asks and grabs me. He lowers me onto his lap. 

"Jeff is at the house and he has Tay I called her and he picked up and he said he will see me soon Nash I'm so worried we need to get home right now I'm so worried about her oh my god is she okay? What am I going to do this is all my fault.." I complain to Nash and he sits there, half listening. I can tell he is trying to think of what to do, but there isn't even anything we can do. 

"Shhh Sophie we will get on the plane soon and we will be home before you know it just calm down" he says and I groan. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rubs circles on my back. Usually that helps me calm down, but right now, it's not helping at all. 

I sit back up and say, "What if he like takes her? Where is Shawn?!" Nash stands me up and walks me over to the pay phone. He puts in the money and dials a number, but I have no idea who it is. I only hear one end of the conversation sadly. 

"Hey yeah it's Nash but are you with Tay?" he tells whoever it is what's going on and they finally say bye. 

"It was Shawn he's going to go find out what's going on" he says, answering my question without me even asking it. 

I shake my head and I say, "No he can't go over there Jeff will take him too!" this is all my fault because I brought them all into this. If they get hurt, or even worse get killed guess who's going to feel guilty for it? Me. 

"Sophie you need to relax" Nash says and looks up at the board with the flights. "We will be leaving here in an hour or two according to this.. Just try to not think about it" he says to me. I know I shouldn't be stressing both of us out, but I'm worried about my best friend. I think I should be allowed to freak out over this. I keep my mouth shut, but I zone out with all the thoughts in my mind. 

We finally get back on the plane and finish the rest of the flight. Normally both of would have slept, but we are both too nervous. I just want to get home and see what's going on with everybody. The lady finally announces that we will be landing soon and how everybody should get in their seats. We land about 30 minutes after that. I pretty much run off the plane with Nash behind me. We get our stuff and get a taxi to drive us back to the house. The entire ride, I'm biting my nails and pretty much shaking because I'm so nervous. We pull up to the house and there are a couple cars there that I haven't seen before. I grab my suit case and leave Nash with the driver. I walk up to the door and push it open. It wasn't closed all the way, so I don't make that much noise as I walk inside. I try to stay quiet and listen for any voices. 

"Why are you doing this to us?" I hear a voice say. I'm pretty sure it's Tay, but I could be wrong. I walk into the kitchen and grab a knife and walk back to the front door. Nash is about to walk in but I tell him to be quiet and he nods his head. He gives me a weird look with the knife in my hand, but I nod my head toward the bedrooms and he nods his head. I hand him the other knife I grabbed and we walk down the hall, trying to stay quiet as possible. I stop in front of Tay's door and listen for voices. I hear somebody cough and I point toward the door to Nash. He nods his head and I count down in my mind. I reach zero and push the door open. I look around the room and all the eyes are on me. Tay is on the ground and a bunch of guys are around her and one of them is the man of the hour, Jeff. 

"Well look who finally decided to show up! I've missed you dearly Sophie!" he says and walks closer to me. But, Nash steps in front of me. "Ohh it's the boyfriend who thinks he's tough as shit.. Well reality check bro, there are 8 of us and one of you, so that really sucks for you." Jeff says and starts walking closer to us. I peak over Nash and see Tay. She has her eyes locked on the two of them and once she sees me, I can see the hurt in her eyes. I can't believe this is all because of me. I look back and Jeff and his eyes are already on me. "You know that I can treat you so much better than this loser here, right?" he asks, looking right at me. I scrunch my nose in disgust, which makes Jeff chuckle. 

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