Chapter 24

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After I dropped Tay off at her place, I start the 20 minute drive to the place I was suppose to take her. Jeff's place. I walk in the door after I park the car and I hear a bunch of yelling, as usual. I slam the door, letting them all know I'm here. I walk into the kitchen where we always meet and there is everybody. Harry, Jeff and everybody else that works for Jeff. All of them stare at me and I glare right back. I'm not really in the mood right now for any of them. 

"Is it done?" Jeff asks and I sigh. I nod my head and take a seat. "Good I have no idea why you feel so bad they aren't even your concern" he says and I pull my eyebrows together. 

I stand up and say, "Actually they both are my concern because I have known them for quite a while" I say and Jeff just shakes his head. 

"Well, actually I assigned them to you, and I met them first so they are my concern. Do you keep forgetting I'm the one that sent you on that trip and came up with plan? So shut up and sit down you look pathetic." I groan and take my seat. I can't stand how often he brings that up. Okay I understand I took the job. I needed money and he was the only person I could get it from. He offered me the money I needed to pay off my debts and the job seemed like nothing.. At the time. Now it's all one huge lie. 

"Why are you acting like you care?" Harry asks. What the fuck? He's the one that was all over Sophie even when he didn't need to me. 

My jaw drops and I say, "Actually you're the one that was all over Sophie when it was just a job. Oh she needed some medicine because she was sick? You were there. You have to admit that you were falling for her because you were with her for almost 3 whole years. Don't even try to deny that one" Harry says nothing back and I smile. 

"Why don't both of you just shut the fuck up and review the plan one more time so none of you idots screw it up. This is our only chance" he says and I turn to him. He goes over the plan that I don't even want part of anymore and once he finishes, all the other guys leave and it's only Harry and I left. 

I turn to look at him as if I'm asking why are we here and he just shrugs in response. "Not to be rude or anything, but why are we still here?" Harry asks, speaking my mind.

"Well, I need you two to do something extra" he says and I sigh. "I need both of you to get both of the girls over here" my jaw drops. Who the hell does he think we are? Magicians? They both pretty much hate us, so I don't think they would even come near us. I'm surprised Tay even trusted me at all. I mean, I guess you can say she might trust me a little after today, but that was all part of the plan. The plan that I don't want to be part of anymore. 

I get pulled out of my thoughts by Harry saying, "Woah what we can't do that!" Jeff chuckles, but it wasn't friendly at all. It was almost an evil laugh. 

"You're going to what I ask unless you want to get fired" he says. What's so bad about getting fired? We don't have to deal with this at all it seems 10 times better. "Remember when you get fired.. You probably won't ever see the light again" he says, pretty much answering the question I never asked. He never mentioned that before in my entire working for him. He turns right around and walks out. I hit Harry on the shoulder and nod toward the door. He nods and we walk out and get into his car. 

"We need to come up with a plan" I say and he shakes his head. 

"No Jake do you know how dangerous that would be?" he asks. I nod my head as I think it al over. 

"Yeah I do but Harry this isn't going to end well either way so we may as well try while we have the chance" I say and he nods his head. "Okay so I think we should pretend we got the girls and just wait at his place and try to take him down. Think about it like this. If we do take him down, we have nothing to worry about and then we can be in charge and make the choices. I know you still have feelings for Sophie even if you deny it. We can try to be friends with them again if we can earn their trust." I look over at him and he has his eyes focused on the road. He seems to thinking over it. 

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