Chapter 4

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It was 9am and Liam had to go out for some interviews today so it was just me and Allie in the house. I was standing in the kitchen cooking pancakes for Allie and I. Allie was sitting in the living room watching Spongebob. I was almost done when I hear a knock on the door. "COMING!" I say putting the last pancake onto the plate and walking towards the door. "Louis?!? What are you doing here this early!" I ask.

"I need some advice." He says blushing.

"Well come on in! Have you had breakfast yet?" I ask him.

"No...I was in a little bit of a hurry to get here." He says looking down.

"Well I have some extra pancakes in the kitchen. I was just making breakfast for Allie and I when you got here." I say leading him into the kitchen. "Allie! Breakfast!" I yell. She runs into the kitchen.

"Uncle Lou!" She yells. She runs over to him and he lifts her off the ground.

"How is my Alliebear?" Lou asks.

"I'm great!" Allie says giggling.

"Ok Allie! Here are your pancakes, why don't you sit in the living room and watch Spongebob while I talk with uncle Lou." 

"Ok mommy!" Allie says taking her pancakes and going into the living room.

"Ok Lou what's up?" I ask him.

"Well I need some help.....I want to propose to Eleanor but I don't really know how to." He tells me.

"Awww! Well lets see. What does she prefer? A picnic or a really high end restaraunt?" I ask.

"She would actually prefer a picnic." He says.

"Ok! So lets pick out food for the picnic, and pick out a place." I say getting all excited!

~*At lunch*~

"Ok Lou, that should be everything that you will need for you to propose." I tell him.

"Thank you so much Sami! You guys are going to help me set up the picnic tomorrow though right?" He asks.

"Well, Liam will. I will be helping Eleanor get ready." I say looking at the text from El on my phone.

"Ok, again thank you so much! I can't wait to see the look on her face when I propose." He says heading towards the door. "Hey Lili!" He says walking out the door.

"Hey Lou." Liam says confused.

"DADDY!!" Allie says running over to her dad. He picks her up and sets her on his hip.

"How is my little princess?" He asks.

"Good!" She says kissing him on the cheek. I kiss him on the other cheek and he pulls me into a one armed hug.

"So what was Louis doing here?" He asks.

"He needed advice on something." I say. "Oh by the way you are helping Lou set up for his picnic proposal to El tomorrrow." I say walking towards the kitchen to make lunch.

"Wait he needed advice on how to propose to Eleanor?" He asks.

"Yup! Took us all morning but we finally got everything planned out." I say.

"Wow! I wouldn't think Lou would need help planing that out. But why do I have to help him set up?" He asks.

"Because I am helping Eleanor get ready. Not exactly something you can do." I say.

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