Authors note

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Hey all of my wonderful readers! So I know I am late putting up my update, it should be up tomorrow. But as of right now, I just have something that really needs to be said. This is something I think all of you should read because all of you can learn something from this. 

Be careful what you say to people, and don't judge people based on their appearance. I mean how you act towards others and how you dress doesn't show who you are on the inside or what is happening at home. 

I mean I am just like every other 16 year old girl. I love music, I enjoy shopping and hanging out with my friends. I dress like other girls my age, and I treat everyone the way I want to be treated. I am kind to everyone but all I get back is hate and disrespect. I don't have the greatest home life. I mean don't get me wrong my family is great......I love my mom, my dad, and my older sister. But there are times where I am at my lowest emotionally because of stuff that goes on at home. 

There is this one girl that I go to school with, and for some reason she has never liked me, and has always been rather rude to me, no matter how nice I am to her. For the last few weeks at our summer practices she has been teasing me about the fact that I have big boobs (I am a C-cup not bad but anyway). There was one night in specific at practice that she said to me (take note I was not wearing a sports bra that night) "With the way your boobs are jumping around right now I am surprised that you don't have breast cancer." The girl standing next to her started laughing. Now I know that remark is really stupid and makes no sence, but here is the thing. My aunt has breast cancer. Now the girl that said that had no clue about my aunt, because I didn't make a big deal about it. But still that is not something that you say to someone else. 

This same girl has often made me feel insecure because I am not as thin as most of the girls in my grade. I'm not saying that I am fat, but I am a bit bigger than some of the other girls. What she doesn't know is I am already very insecure about my body, and my dad has brought it to my attention on more than one occasion by calling me fat stright to my face. My sister has told me the same thing. But from the way that I treat others you would never know that members of my family make me feel insecure. 

I give my free time to help others. I have become a Red Cross volunteer, and I help out at a senior center. So you know I really do care for other people. I really love the quote "Kill them with kindness." It is very true becauce if you are always kind to people eventually they will start to be kind to you too. 

Basically treat others the way you want to be treated. If you are nice to others, then they will be nice to you. One thing you want to keep in mind, everyone has something going on, they may not show it but everyone has something going on in their lives. You don't want to be the reason that something happens to them. Now I'm not going to the extent of saying suicide. But honestly do you know how easy it is to get a migraine? They are horrible and one of the triggers is stress. I have had one hit at 4pm and it didn't lighten enough for me to go to bed till 2am after me almost throwing up and passing out. 

I really am sorry for ranting at you all but this really did need to be said.

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