Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning feeling sick again. I got up and ran into the bathroom only to puke my guts up again. Perrie I guess heard my footsteps and came into the bathroom after me. "Sami, Shy, El, and Jade are on their way over. Shy called me this morning saying that she had something important to tell us." Perrie tells me.

"Why are they coming here?" I ask her.

"Because you are sick and she wanted to tell us all at once." She explains.

"Ok, how long till they get here?" I ask.

"About 15 minutes, so get cleaned up." She says before walking out of the bathroom. I stand up slowly and get into the shower. I spend about 10 minutes in there and then walk into my bedroom and change into one of Liam's big sweatshirts and a pair of my sweatpants. I pull my hair into a messy bun ontop of my head. I brush my teeth and slip into a pair of my uggs. As soon as I walk into my living room I see the girls coming in the front door. 

"Hey sweetie! How are you feeling?" Shy asks as she walks over and hugs me.

"Not good, Im feeling sick to my stomach, im puking alot, im spending a ton of time in the bathroom. I think I came down with the stomach virus." I tell her pulling back and sitting down on the couch.

"Ohh not fun." She says following me into the room.

"Yea, so what is the big news?" I ask after everyone walks into the room.

"Well I hadn't been feeling great for the last few weeks, and I thought that maybe........" She starts mumbling.

"Shy sweetheart speak up I can't understand or hear you." I tell her.

"Guys I am pregnant!" She says. We all jump up and hug her.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" We all yell at the same time.

"And I wanted to ask Sami some questions about her first pregnancy." Shy says taking a seat on the floor in front of me.

"Yea, we never really go to talk to you about what it felt like to be pregnant." Eleanor says.

"Well for the first few months its a pain in the butt. Once you get to the time where the baby begins to kick and respond to the sound of your voice it becomes a lot better, and more fun for both of you. Giving birth is actually the hardest part." I say.

"Why is that the hardest part?" Jade asks.

"Because you are trying to push something the size of a watermelon out of a 10cm hole." I say they all grimance and I laugh at their reaction.

"Wait Sami, what are the symptoms you have in the first couple months of pregnancy?" Perrie asks.

"Um drowsieness, neausea, vomiting, needing to go to the bathroom alot, mood swings." I tell her.

"In the little while I was here I noticed you have all of those symptoms." Perrie says.

"oh crap!" I say. 

"When was the last time you had your period?" Jade asks.

"About....crap I didn't have my period this month." I say.

"Sami, there is the chance you could just have a stomach virus, and your period could just be late." Eleanor suggests. 

"Pezz, will you run down to-" Before I could finish my sentence I was running to the bathroom puking my guts up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes with the test!" Perrie yells from down the hall. Jade had come in the room and was holding my hair back.

"Thanks Jade." I say smiling at her after I had finally calmed my stomach down.

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