Chapter 33

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Today Liam's parents were coming to stay the week. It's the first time they get to stay in the house. They have always stayed in a hotel near by, but because Allie is graduating high school in a few days they are staying with us. I woke up at 7am this morning to check the house, and the guest bedroom to make sure the house was in good condition. It's was about 8am once the guest bedroom was ready for his parents. They said they will be here at around 3pm this afternoon. All of the boys and they kids are going to come over to welcome them. I was sitting in the kitchen with a muffin and a cup of hot chocolate when Liam came down stairs. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" He asks coming down.

"Well I wanted to make sure that the guest bedroom was in good shape for when your parents came today." I say looking up as he kisses me on the forehead.

"Oh yea that is today!" He says smiling even bigger. "Oh wait one problem...." Liam says looking at his phone.

"What?" I ask.

"Where are Ruth and Nicola going to stay?" He asks. Oh yea they were coming too.

"Well we do have the dance studio down stairs, and the futon couch down there. I can go turn it into a bed really quick." I suggest.

"Yea I guess that's what we will have to do. I'll go get the sheets. You go wake the kids up." Liam says walking to the linen cabinet. I finish my hot chocolate and walk up the stairs into Allie's room.

"Allie! It's time to get up! Grandma and grandpa are coming over to do with Aunt Ruth and Aunt Nicola!" I say. She stretches and opens her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"It's about 9am, and they will be here at 3. But dont forget the rest of your aunts and uncles and cousins will be here shortly." I say and walk out and head to Zach's room. "Zach. Oh your up!" I say looking in the door.

"Yea, I woke up when you woke Allie up." He says fixing his hair.

"Ok! Make sure you are down stairs in 10 minutes!" I say smiling at him and walking into my room and over to the closet. "Hey." I say seeing Liam looking through the closet at his clothes.

"Hey! You excited to see everyone today?" He asks as I walk over to my jean.

"Yea! You know what would be really cool?" I ask getting excited. I pick out my light blue skinny jeans and grab my pink tank top, and a white Jack Willis hoodie.

"What?" He asks smiling at me as I pull my hair into a high pony tail ontop of my head.

"To have the entire family get together. Everyones siblings, everyones parents. It would be like on big family reunion." I tell him. The lads and their families had moved into the same neighbor hood that we had, and live in all of the houses around us.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea! Lets suggest it to everyone later." he says taking my hand and we both walk down the stairs.

"Wow! When did you all get here?" I ask shocked.

"A few minutes ago." Zach responds. I look around the room and see Harry and Shy with Haden and Darcy. Haden is now 15 and Darcy 14. Next to them I see Perrie and Zayn with Abbie and Madelyn. Abbie is 14 and Madelyn is 10. Eleanor and Louis are next to them with their two kids Chase and Isabella. Chase is 13 and his sister Isabella is 10. Then Jade and Niall with their two daughters Brookelyn and Kaley. Brooke is 10 and Kaley is 8. Liam and I sit down near Allie and Zach. All of the adults are sitting on the couches and the kids are on the floor sitting near their parents.

"Hey kids, why dont you go play in the back yard." I suggest. They all nod their heads and head outside.

"Why did you send the kids outside?" Harry asks.

"Well I had an idea. What would you guys say to having one big family reunion?" I ask smiling big.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks.

"We all invite our parents brothers, sisters, and everyone gets together. We could have like a week dedicated to family." I say smiling.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Harry says smiling. At that moment the door bell rings.

"Allie! Zach! Grandma and Grandpa are here!" I yell and they come running and Liam bounces off the couch to answer the door. "He is such a kid." I say laughing as I head towards the door. I hear everyone laugh at what I had said. I can't wait till everyone gets together.

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