Chapter 17

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Today was the day the boys were finally coming back from their tour. Allie was still sleeping and Liam was coming home any moment now. He wanted to be home when she woke up this morning. Liam said that we were going to stay home today and have a family day. So as I got out of bed I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas. I pulled on my slippers and Liam's sweater before grabbing my phone and walking down the stairs into the kitchen. As I got down the stairs I smelled hot chocolate and chocolate chip muffins from the amazing bakery from down the street. I walked into the kitchen, to see Liam standing in the middle of the kitchen drinking hot chocolate. "Li?" I ask walking into the kitchen rubbing my eyes.

"Morning Love!" He says putting his cup on the counter and opening his arms for a hug. I ran into his arms and snuggle my face into his neck. I feel his arms wrap around me and him kiss my forehead. "I missed you." He says.

"I missed you too!" I say.

"How is the baby?" He asks pulling back to look at me.

"The baby is fine, I have an appointment next week for another ultrasound." I say reaching for a muffin and a hot chocolate.

"Hey wanna come with me to wake Allie up?" He asks.

"YES!" I say jumping up and pulling up the video camera on my phone. We walk into her room and I stand at the foot of her bed and press record. I nod at Liam to let him know that I am recording.

"Allie bear! It's time to wake up!" He says. Allie's eyes snap open.

"DADDY!!" She yells and wraps he arms around his neck. "Your home!" She says and you can hear her crying.

"Of course I am! I told you I would come back!" He tells her. I stop the recording and text the video to the girls. 

"Is my princess ready for a day with her mommy and daddy and then seeing her uncles for dinner tonight." He says. I give Liam a weird look and he only has to say one word. "Louis." He says and I just nod my head and walk into my and Liam's room. I head into our closet and pick out a light blue high low dress, a pair of heels in the same color. I grab my black peacoat, and black purse. I hang the dress, and coat on the back of the door. I lay my shoes and my bag near my bed. I run back into the closet and find my cream scarf and wrap it around the hanger that is holding my dress. As I turn to walk out of the closet I see Liam standing in the door way smiling at me.

"I picked out Allie's dress." He says walking over to me.

"Where is she?" I ask him.

"In the bathroom." He says.

"So when were you going to tell me we were going out to dinner with the rest of the boys?" I ask.

"I was going to tell you around lunch time.." He says trailing off.

"Nice one Liam." I say laughing. He looks down and blushes. "Is this a formal or casual dinner?" I ask.

"It is a formal one, and the outfit you picked out is perfect." He says hugging me.

"Well I am glad you like it considering you gave it to me one year for my birthday." I say kissing his cheek and slipping out of his arms. I turn around to look at him really quick and notice he is already looking at me. "By the way you should wear a light blue dress shirt, and a tie that matches Allie's dress." I say.

"Help me pick them out?" He asks giving me his irresistable puppy dog face.

"Of course." I tell him and walk into Allie's room to see what dress he had picked out for her. He had picked out Perrie's favorite dress on Allie. I walk back into my and Liam's closet and pick out a light blue dress shirt, and a dark blue tie. I hang them on the back of the door with my dress and smile. It's so nice to have him back home.

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