Chapter 18

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Shyanne and I were both a little over 9 months pregnant at this point. Harry and Shyanne had already come up with a name for their baby boy. His name will be Haden Evan Styles. Right now Liam and I are on the way to the hospital because Shyanne is in labor. Harry told me she is half way to giving birth. Liam and I pull up to the hospital and I am out of the car before we are even parked. I run into the hospital and quickly sign Liam and I in. "Wow you run fast." Liam says catching up to me. 

"Sami!!" I hear Jade's voice from behind me. I turn around and she takes my hand and leads me to Shy's room. I hear Liam running behind us again. Does he not understand how exciting it is to have another baby in the family? We had called Karen and asked her to watch Allie today because Shy had been feeling contractions early this morning. We got into her room only to hear her screaming from a contraction. 

"HARRY WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS TO ME???" She yells in his face as her contraction ends.

"Harry don't worry! She is on a hormon high right now. Has the doctor given her any pain killers yet?" I ask.

"No, the last time the nurse came in it was too early to give her anything." He says.

"Let me go get a nurse." Liam says as he walks out of the room. I walk over to Shy's side.

"Hey girly!" I say smiling at her.

"Hey!" She says smiling at me. "Jade you dont mind if I have Sami and Harry stay with me during this do you?" Shy asks Jade.

"Not at all! I don't think I would be able to not pass out." She says laughing.

"Sami do you mind staying in here?" She asks.

"Not at all sweetie! I would be honored!" I tell her grinning.

"Just know that Liam is going to have to wait in the hall." She says.

"Shy.....honey. Could Liam please stay? To help me through this?" Harry carefully asks Shyanne.

"Only for you sweetie!" She smiles up at him and he automatically relaxes.

"Harry, everything will be fine once she gets her meds." I tell him. He nods

~*about 3 hours later*~ 

Shyanne had finally given birth to a healthy Haden Even Styles. Everyone was now in the room with Shyanne and the baby. I was standing next to the bed and Liam had his arms wrapped around my waist. Shy was holding a sleeping Haden. "Everyone can I have your attention?" Shy quietly asks because Haden is asleep in her arms. Everyone turns their attention to her. "I want to let you guys know who Haden's god parents are." she says smiling up at us. "His god parents are Liam and Sami." I smile at her and feel Liam kiss my cheek.

"Wow thank you Shyanne!" I say smiling.

"Do you want to hold your god son?" She asks.

"Can I?" I ask her my smile getting even bigger. She nods and gently passes me Haden. I hold him in my arms while Liam is still holding me around my waist.

"You know this is just making me want our baby to come faster." He whispers in my ear. 

"Shy take Haden, and Liam get a nurse." I say.

"Wh- Oh crap!" Liam says running out of the room as Shy takes back Haden.

"Sami what is going on?" Zayn says walking over to me and helping me stand.

"I'm going into labor!" I say pointing to my pants and Zayn sees the water stain on my pants, and the water puddle on the floor.

"Oh no!!!" Zayn says.

"Wait you mean both of you are giving birth today?!" Louis says. 

"I could be in labor till tomorrow Lou!" I say at that moment Liam and a nurse come running back into the room with a wheel chair. This is going to be one long night.

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