Chapter 30

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So right now us girls are on our way to get Jade ready for her honey moon. She asked us all to help her get ready and be in the airport to send her off. So this time someone remembered to pack the suticases a head of time and we had already set out Jade's outfit for her plane ride. We all knew the Niall and Jade were going to spend their honey moon in Ireland. Jade doesn't know that but everyone else does. She is in the shower right now, and Perrie and Shy are checking her suitcases to make sure she has everything. El is getting her carry on together and I am getting ready to do Jade's hair. Once she came out I quickly french braided her hair and cliped her bangs back. "Ok girly! Are you ready to go?" I ask her.

"I think so... I just wish I knew where we were going. I mean I am going to be gone for about 2 months so, I want to know where." She says.

"I understand. The only reason I knew where I was going is because Liam and I had to go to a kid friendly place because we had to take Allie with us. So I had to pack her stuff so Liam had to tell me." I say laughing at the memory of Liam complaining about his feet hurting while we were in Disney.

"Yea, but I do like the fact that he is keeping it a surprise." Jade says smiling and grabbing her jacket and slipping it on. El hands her, her purse and we all walk out to our cars. Jade was riding with Shyanne and Perrie so her car wouldn't just sit at the airport for 2 months.

~*An hour later*~

"Hey guys!" Paul says walking over to us. "The jet is ready." He says looking at Niall.

"You are being aweful sneaky!" Jade says smiling at him.

"Well I remember Harry took the jet for our honeymoon to prevent me from finding out that we were going to Paris for our honeymoon." Shy says wrapping her arms around Harry's waist while he just blushes.

"Well we better take off soon so we will see you guys in two months!" Niall says, giving us all hugs and Jade follows doing the same.

"Have fun! But not to much fun!!" Shy shouts and we see both Niall and Jade blush and the comment meanwhile we are all laughing our butts off. The boys had all come in Harry's car. Liam came over to me and took my hand leading me to the passenger side of my car.

"Really Payne? You think you are going to drive my car?" I say smirking at him.

"Yes I do think I am going to drive your car because I have your keys." He says dangling them above my head smiling at me. The one time I am not wearing heels!

"Darn you!" I say smaking his arm and climbing into the car. He laughs and I see Allie and Zach in the back seat. "Where did you two sit in uncle Harry's car?" I ask knowing that he only had a five seater. (The kind of trunk I am talking about is the one where you can reach over the back seat and there it is.)

"We are not allowed to tell you mum." Zach says.

"Says who?" I ask now noticing Liam getting in the drivers seat.

"Uncle Harry and Dad." Zach says.

"Was Haden, Abbie and Darcy in the car with you guys?" I ask Zach.

"Yes." Zach says.

"Thank you sweetie!" I say smiling at him before pulling out my phone and texting Perrie and Shyanne.

*To: Pezz, Shy :)

Warning yell at your husbands the kids sat in the trunk of Harry's car on the way to the airport.

From Sami :)

I look over at Liam and give him my signiture glare and I hear him glup, because he knows what is coming once the kids are in bed.

~*At home, after the kids are sleeping*~

I am sitting in the living room waiting for Liam to come back down from putting Zach to bed. I look around the corner to see just a little bit of his shoe. "Liam get in here." I say with ice in my voice. He comes around the corner with his head down. "Why didn't you ask Mrs. Horan to watch the kids?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"Because we didn't think of it." He says.

"So instead you decide to put our kids in the trunk of Harry's car!" I say.

"No! They didn't ride in the trunk!" He says.

"Well then where did they sit?" I ask.

"Abbie and Darcy were in their car seats in the back row. Haden sat in the middle seat and Zach and Allie shared the passenger seat. Niall, Zayn, Louis and I sat in the trunk." He says.

"So you put two kids under the age of 15 in the suicide seat!!!" I say getting frusterated. He slowly nods his head. "I'll be in the basement." I say walking down stairs. Liam and I had 2 floor to ceiling cabinets put in so Allie and I could keep our dance stuff down in the basement. I quickly grab one of my leotards and play some of my music and dance around. Good thing Liam knows to leave me alone right now. After about an hour of dancing I quickly shower in the basement and head upstairs to bed only to see Liam sitting there still awake. "Go to sleep Liam. Just don't pull that again. And if there isn't enough room in the car you could have asked me and El to come and pick the kids up." I say kissing his cheek and curling up into bed.

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