Chapter 6

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I was sitting in the living room in my pajamas this afternoon. Liam had decided it was time for a daddy daughter day, so he is out with Allie for the day. I was watching Say Yes To The Dress when my phone rang. I picked it up off of the table to see Zayn calling me.

"Hey Zaynie what's up?" I ask.

"Can I come to your and Liam's house. I need some help planning something for your sister." He says.

"Yea, sure come on over. It's just me here. I'll start brewing up some tea." I say before hanging up my phone and walking into the kitchen to put the kettle on. I decided to scroll through my twitter and see what is going on it the twitter universe. I have learned to avoid checking my mentions. That is really the only place I see hate. If someone I am following tweets something bad about me I just unfollow them. I dont need the hate. I hear the kettle start whistling so I grab two mugs and pour the tea into the mugs. Just as I put the kettle down there is a knock on the door.

"COME IN ZAYN!!!" I yell knowing that it is him at the door.

"Hey Sami!" He says walking into our apartment.

"Hey Zaynie!" I say walking over to hug him. "I just finished pouring our tea. So have a seat in the living room, and I'll be right there." He nods and heads to the living room. I grab the mugs and walk into the living room and see Zayn stressing out. "Whats wrong Zayn?" I ask walking over to the table and putting the mugs of tea on the table. 

"I really need your help Sami!" He says sitting down on the couch. I sit down next to him and turn to face him.

"Ok, what do you need my help with Zaynie?" I ask. He turns to face me and takes a deep breath.

"Well I want to propose to Perrie, but I have no clue how to propose or what ring to get her!" He says putting his head into his hands. 

"Am I like the proposal queen or something?" I ask.

"What?" Zayn says laughing while looking up at me.

"Louis asked me a couple days ago how to propose to El." I say.

"Wow! I think it's just because we have known you for so long, and your a girl so we go to you for advice. Now help me please!!!" He says.

"Ok! Ok! Calm down! I would help you no matter what Zayn! This is my sister and her future happiness we are talking about." I say hugging him. After a couple seconds I let go and hand him a mug of tea. I grab the other one and take a sip. "Now just remember music has always been something important to us." I say and he nods. "Our mum and dad always used to sing to us before we would fall asleep at night. Our grandparents would sing to us also, and now that they are gone" I pause to take a deep breath and wipe away a few tears. "Music is something that we love even more." I tell him. He nods his head.

"So what do you suggest I do to propose to her?" He asks.

"I suggest you sing to her. A song that means something to her." I say.

"Got a song that you would recomend?" He asks finally calming down. 

"My life by Bon Jovi......its one song that she really loves. So I recomed singing that to her." I say.

"Now I do have another question for you." He says looking down.

"Ok, whats your other question?" I ask him.

"Will you help me pick out the ring for Perrie?" He asks blushing.

"Of course! But you forgot a question." He gives me a weird look asking me to explain. "What question would you ask my parents if they were still here?" I say and he finally understands what question I am talking about.

"Sami, would you give me your blessing to marry your sister?" Zayn asks.

"I give you my parents, my grandparents and my blessing Zaynie." I say hugging him and he smiles back. I am so happy knowing that my family is about to get even bigger.

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