Chapter 25

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Today Niall was coming by to have me help him plan his proposal to Jade. Then Perrie is going ring shopping with Niall. Liam is at the studio with Zayn. Louis and Harry are at an interview, with El and Shyanne. Perrie is out shopping with Jade right now, to keep her occupied. Zach and Allie are both still in bed and I am sitting in the kitchen drinking tea and eatting a muffin. I can't believe Allie will entering 3rd grade in a few weeks and Zach will be going into kindergarden. Allie is 8 right now and Zach is 5. I go to take the last bite of my muffin when I hear a knock on the door. I stand up and brush crumbs off of my yoga pants and Liam's green sweatshirt. I walk over to the door chewing the last bit of the muffin and open the door to see Niall standing in the door way. "Morning Irish man." I say stepping aside so he can come in.

"Morning love!" He says hugging me. "Where are the kids?" He asks.

"They are both sleeping." I say leading him into the kitchen. "Tea?" I ask.

"Yes please!" He says sitting down at the breakfast bar. I refill my cup and pour him a cup. 

"Here you are!" I say setting it down infront of him.

"Thanks, and thank you again for helping me plan this." He says.

"Not a problem!" I say grabbing my notebook and pen and sitting down across from him. "So what did you have in mind?" I ask.

"Well I want to do something that would show her how much she means to me. I want to make her feel like a princess." He says.

"You are so sweet Nialler!" I say pinching his cheeks. He blushes.

"Thanks. So do you have any suggestions?" He asks. 

"Well what kind of date would she prefer? A night in or a night out?" I ask him.

"Well she would want something more private considering how famous we are, but she would still prefer a night out." He says.

"Ok so how about a secluded section of a park?" I suggest.

"That could work. But what would we do to make it more romantic?" He asks.

"We could put fairy lights on the trees and we could have you guys eat dinner in a gazebo, and put tea candles around the area along with rose petals. Oh! And you could write little notes to her leaving her clues, and the boys, girls and I could drive her in different directions and blindfold her just to confuse her." I say getting really excited

"That sounds like it could be fun, but would everyone else be willing to help?" He asks.

"Nialler everyone would love to help you! We all have been through this, and you have helped the others, so why would they not help you?" I ask him.

"True." He says and at that moment I hear two sets of feet coming down the stairs. 

"Mommy whats for breakfast?" Allie says coming into the kitchen. 

"Well we could have muffins......or I could take you three out for breakfast." I say.

"Wait three? Mom why didn't you tell us you are pregnant!!" Zach says stepping out from behind his sister.

"Hey guys." Niall says stepping out from behind them. I have no clue how they didn't see him.

"Uncle Niall!!!" They both yell at the same time.

"Wow Ni, your really special! Liam hasn't gotten that kind of welcome since he last went on tour!" I say laughing.

"Dang! I guess it's my irish charm!" He says smiling.

"Of course you would say that. Anyway guys go get dressed we are going out for breakfast!" They quickly ran out of the room and upstairs to get ready. "And this is how you become the favorite parent!" I say laughing.

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