Authors Note

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Across the country people are celebrating our Veterans. I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to all of our wonderful service men and women for leaving their families to defend our freedom as a country. Today is a day that I hold very close to my heart because I have family members who have risked their lives to serve their country. It may have been something as small as being a chef on a PT boat, or working at a Navy base here in the states to actually fighting but I have had family risk their lives for the freedom of this country. I have never had to go through with a military funeral for a fallen soldier, but for all of the families that have, they died protecting our freedom and the freedom of our country in the future. 

My Grandfather would be 101 years old this year, and every year for as long as I can remember I have saluted my grandfather on memorial day. He served his country and when ever we get the chance to visit his grave I see the little flag standing proud infront of his headstone. 

I was named after my grandfather and I am proud to be named after him. He and I are alike in a few ways. He and I both have horrible eye sight so we had to wear glasses. My grandfather loved to bake so he opened a bake shop, and we share that love of baking. Not to mention we share the same initials. 

So all in all Thank you to all of our service men and women, fallen and alive. Thank you for everything that you do!

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