Chapter 24

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I woke up today and remembered that Perrie and Zayn were coming back this afternoon from their honeymoon. We had already gotten all of their stuff moved. Karen wanted to see the kids today so she is watching them. I am going to lunch with Perrie and Zayn is going to the studio with the boys. I got into Perrie's car which had been sitting in my drive way for 3 months now. Liam got in his car and we drove to the airport. Liam and I headed to the starbucks in the airport to wait for Zayn and Perrie. I got a hot chocolate and Liam got some tea. I had my phone sitting on the table screen up and Liam did too, that way when it went off we would know. I was getting ready to grab my cup when I felt someone hug me from behind. "Sami!!!" I hear the girl yell in my ear.

"Pezz!!" I yell turning around and jumping out of my chair to hug my sister. 

"I have some news to tell you when we get into the car." Perrie whispers into my ear. I nod my head against her shoulder before pulling away to hug Zayn. I grab my hot chocolate. 

"You ready to go to lunch?" I ask my sister while grabbing one of her suitcases.

"Yea! Can we stop at Zayn's apartment first though? I would really like to shower and change." She asks. 

"Yea sure! I will pick out your clothes while you shower!" I say pulling her and one of her suitcases behind me towards her car.

"And since you have been in america for three months I am driving us around today." I say laughing, she giggles as I pull out onto the high way and then takes a deep breath. "You ok there Pezz?" I ask her.

"Yea I just have some shocking news for you." She says. 

"Well take your time because we have a 40 minute drive to the apartment." I tell her.

"Well then I will make this easy so that way we have more time to talk about it..............Sami I am pregnant." She says.

"Congradulations!!!! How far along?" I ask.

"Three months next week." She says smiling down at her stomach.

"I'm gonna officially be an aunt!!" I say smiling.

"Yea." She says smiling.

"So are you having a boy or girl?" I ask.

"It is too early to tell." She says smiling. "You should know that you can only find out after 4 months." She says.

"Oh yea........I'm to excited to keep my thoughts stright." I say bouncing in my seat. "How is the morning sickness?" I ask.

"It's fine, I stopped getting sick last week." She tells me.

"That's great! It took me a few months to stop getting sick. I had morning sickness well into month 3." I tell her. 

"Well everyone goes through pregnancy differently." She says.

"Remember how long it took me to go through labor when I had Allie?" I ask her.

"Yea? What about it?" She asks.

"Well just so you know your labor lasts longer with your first child." I tell her smiling.

"Drat!!" She says and I laugh at her.

"Sorry but I had to be the one to tell you sister dear." I tell her smiling as we pull up to her apartment.

"This just makes me not want to go into labor." She says pouting.

"Don't worry I will be by your side the entire time and I will make sure that you get your epidural in time too." I say smiling at her.

"Thanks baby sister!" She says hugging me before we head up to her and Zayn's apartment.

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