Chapter 23

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Allie started reading in school today and her teacher had sent home a letter for us. The letter asking that at anytime we would normally read to her, let her read to us instead. "Mommy! Can I read you a story?" Allie says running into Zach's room while I am sitting in the rocking chair with Zach rocking him to sleep. 

"Sure sweetie! Come here!" I say patting my knee. She crawls onto my lap. And pulls out 'If you give a mouse a cookie.' As she starts reading Zach is finishing a bottle and I am burping him. Allie struggles with a few words here and there, but over all she is doing very well. Once she finishes the book and climbs off my lap. "Very good sweetie!" I say whispering as I put Zach in his crib.

"Mommy when will daddy be getting home?" She asks me.

"Daddy has a concert tonight so he will be home late. He will be here tomorrow morning!" I say picking her up and carrying her out of the room.

"I want to see daddy now though! I want to read to daddy." Allie says getting upset.

"How about we call daddy?" I ask her after looking at my ring. Liam being the goof ball he is gave me a ring that has a watch in it.

"Can we?" She asks. I nod and we walk into the kitchen and open Skype on the laptop. I press Liam's username and wait for him to answer. 

"Allie how about you go get the book you want to read daddy?" I ask her. She nods and runs to her room. I then hear the dial tone stop and I look at the screen to see Liam's face. 

"Sami, is everything ok?" He asks looking worried.

"Yes everything is fine. Allie really wanted to read to you and started crying when I said that she wouldn't be able to tonight because you have a concert." I explain. "I figured that you would have a break right about now so I could have her read to you now." I say smiling at him.

"That's fine! Gosh you scared me there love!" He says laughing. At that moment Allie comes running into the room with 'If you give a mouse a cookie' again. I smile at her. 

"Daddy!" She says smiling at the camera as I lift her onto my lap.

"Hey Alliebear! I heared that you want to read a story to me?" He says smiling at her.

"Wait Allie is gonna read a story!" I hear 4 voices chorus on Liam's side of the computer and then I see the boys on the screen.

"Ok Allie! Start reading!" I say while smiling at the boys. It takes her about 7 minutes to finish the book, she did much better with her words this time. 

"Wait to go Alliebear!" Liam says smiling proudly at her.

"Congrats Allie!" Louis says smiling like the goof ball he is.

"Way to go!" Harry says smiling probably thinking about when Haden starts reading.

"You did great love!" Zayn says smiling.

"Boys your on in 5!" Someone says.

"Ok, got to go girls! Allie I will see you tomorrow morning! Sami I will call you when we are leaving." He says blowing a kiss at the camera before hanging up the skype call.

"Ok Allie it's time for bed!" I say picking her up and carrying her to her room and changing her into her disney pajamas.

"Ok mommy! I love you!" She says kissing my cheek.

"I love you too sweetie! sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite." I tell her before kissing her head and tucking her into her sheets. I walk down the hall to check on Zach and see that he is sleeping soundly. I then walk into my and Liam's room and grab a pair of blue sofee shorts and a blue tank top, I grab a pair of fuzzy socks and walk into our ensuite and pull my hair into a high pony tail and then turn it into a bun. I then quickly wash and mositurize my face. I grab Liam's green sweater on my way to the living room to wait for Liam to come home.

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