Chapter 28

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So today is the talent show at Allie's elementary school. It's only the boys and girls in grades 3 through 5 that are preforming. Allie decided that she would sing and dance. She practiced the vocals of her song with Liam and practiced the choreography with me. She wasn't going to be doing a big dance across the stage, just some small moves. Now we get to see the whole preformance. Karen and Geoff came to watch, and Perrie and Zayn came today to watch their neice, they have Abbie with them. "And now we have Miss. Allison Payne singing and dancing to Cannon Ball by Little Mix!" The principal says. Perrie looks over at me with a shocked face. I forgot they have never heard her sing before.

"Perrie, Zayn can I have your phones till the end of Allie's preformance?" I ask the two of them. They give me a weird look and hand me their phones. I put them in my purse and hold my purse on my lap as the music starts. I watch Allie sing the song perfectly and not miss a single move in the dance. Once she finishes everyone is standing up and clapping for her. She did amazing.

~*10 minutes later*~

"Now to announce our first place winner!" The principal says. I take Perrie's hand and cross my fingers. "Our first place winner is Miss. Allison Payne!" He says and we all clap and cheer loudly as Allie crosses the stage to get her trophie. After the talent show we met up with Allie in the lobby and Perrie tackles her in a hug. Good thing I was holding Abbie.

"You did great sweetie!!" I say passing Abbie to Zayn so I could hug my daughter.

"Thanks mum!" She says smiling. At that moment a boy right around Allie's age comes over to her.

"Allie, that was a really great preformance!" He says.

"Thanks Andy." She says blushing. Well looks like our daughter has gotten her first crush. I look at Liam to see if he has noticed but he hasn't he deep into a conversation with Zayn.

"Well it is time to get going. You both have school tomorrow." I tell Allie. "Oh Zayn, Pezz here are your phones back.

"Ok, bye Andy see you tomorrow." Allie says as Zack walks away.

"Hey Sami, I'll drive Zach home." Liam says nodding his head toward the little boy sleeping in his arms.

"Ok Liam. I'll be driving Allie. See you guys at home!" I say kissing Liam's cheek before heading to my car with Allie. "So I was you blush while talking to Andy." I say to my daughter while getting into the car.

"Please tell me dad didn't see that?!?!?" Allie says freaking out.

"Dont worry he didn't see a thing. He was too busy talking to Zayn." I say calming her down.

"Good! We both know how protective dad can be! And I would rather not have dad know about my first crush!" She says smiling at the thought of Andy.

"Don't worry he doesn't know, and I don't plan on being the one to tell him." I say smiling at her as we turn into our drive way. "Ok now once we get inside you need to get ready for bed. You have a big day a head of you." I tell her walking up to the front door.

"Ok mum. I'll see you in the morning! And thank you for all of your help.

"No problem hunny!" I say giving her a hug before she goes upstairs for the night.

"Night daddy!" I faintly hear for upstairs.

"Night baby girl!" I hear Liam say before he walks down the stairs and joins me on the couch.

"I can't believe how well she did today!" He says smiling widly.

"I know it was the best I had seen and heard yet!" I say smiling back.

"I am so proud of our daughter!" He says hugging me. "Even after 8 years it is still weird saying our daughter." We both laugh and cuddle on the couch for a bit before we head to bed.

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