Chapter 8

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Today was the first day that I am taking Allie to pre-school. Then later tonight I am taking her to her first dance class. She caught me dancing in the living room one day and said that she wanted to be a ballerina just like me. So I promised to take her to dance classes tonight. Liam, Allie and I were in the car driving to the preschool. It was about fifteen minutes away from our flat. Allie is sitting in her car seat and is asleep. "So are you excited?" Liam asks me.

"Not really. I'm gonna be home alone all day." I tell him.

"Well why don't you call Eleanor? Or and I am only suggesting this because I know how much you love dance. Why don't you look for a job at a dance studio?" Liam suggests.

"That is a really good idea!" I say smiling at him. "Wait, how did you know that I love to dance??" I ask him.

"Remember that Allie saw you dancing that one day? Well if you remember correctly I was standing right behind her." He says chuckling.

"Oh yea." I say blushing. Liam pulls up outside of the preschool. "Allie its time to wake up! We are at the school." I say.

"Ok mommy." Allie says starting to get out of her car seat. 

"I'll be right back." I say kissing Liam on the cheek before grabbing my purse and getting out of the car, and opening Allie's door. "Come on sweetie!" She takes my hand as we walk into the school. I adjust the strap of my purse on my shoulder. It takes me 15 minutes before I head back out to the car.

"Everything alright love?" Liam asks me as I get into the car.

"Yup everything is fine! Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find one of the papers in my purse." I explain.

"You should really organize that thing." He says laughing.

"Oh hush! I will work on that and some other house work this morning. Now are you picking Allie up and taking her to dance tonight or am I?" I ask.

"Well Louis called and said that we will not be getting done with our recording and interviews till about 5pm. So I guess your picking her up tonight." He says.

"Ok!" I say getting excited.

"You seem happy abour that." He says chuckling as he reaches over and takes my hand.

"I am happy about that! It means I can talk to the person that runs her dance school and maybe get a job." I say.

"Oh sounds like a plan!" He says smiling encouragingly. I smile back at him as we pull upto our apartment complex. "Ok love! I will see you when you bring Allie back from dance." He says kissing me on the forehead.

"Ok love you!" I say grabbing my purse and climbing out of the car. Once I got back into our apartment I realized just how much I had to do. I grabbed all of the dirty laundry from my and Liam's room and from Allie's room and dumped it all on the living room floor. I sorted it all into multiple piles. One for colds, one for warms, and one for whites. I put them into a couple different baskets and stacked them up and headed to the laundry room. I was down there for a good hour washing and drying the clothes. Once I got them back to the apartment I started folding everything. Once it was folded I sorted and put them back into the different dressers and closets. After that I walked down to the lobby and checked our mail box and brought the mail back up. I then went through the kitchen and wrote up a list of all of the groceries we needed. I then grabed my keys and my purse and got into my car and ended up spending an hour at the store. By the time I got home and got all of the groceries put away I had to pick Allie up and take her to dance. She was bouncing in her car seat out of excitement. "Allie! Calm down!" I say laughing as we pulled into her dance class. She had an amazing time and I was given a list of studios to apply to!

Hello my wonderful readers!! Sorry I didn't update last weekend, I have been really busy with school lately, so here is this weeks update and I hope you all like it!!!!

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