Chapter 31

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Jade and Niall had been on their honey moon for a month now. And today all of the boys were in the studio. El was at a photo shoot. Perrie was at an interview today, and Shy is at an interview about what it is like to be a mom and Harry's wife. I am watching all of the kids today because I am the only one who has nothing to do. "Ok kids! Lunch time!" I yell, and hear five sets of foot steps come running into the room. I had the table set with grilled cheese sandwiches. I was just about to bite into my sandwich when my cell phone rings. "I'll be right back kids." I say and they all nod and go back to talking. "Hello?" I say answering the phone as I step into the livingroom.

"Sami! Thank god! I need you to bring the kids to the hospital!!" I hear Liam yell down the phone.

"Why? Whats wrong?!" I ask starting to get scared.

"Mr. Payne! Calm down your heart rate is to high!!" I hear another voice In the background yell.

"Liam calm down! I will be there in about 10 minutes." I say. I grab Liam a change of clothes and quickly throw them into my purse. I grab my purse and my keys and walk back in to the kitchen. "Kids I need you to get into the van." I say. The all stand up and grab their jackets and shoes and head for the van. I lock the front door and see that everyone is seated in the van. I run to the drivers seat and get in and start driving as soon as I can.

"Aunt Sami! What's the hurry? What's going on?" Haden asks from the back seat.

"I would tell you only if I knew Haden." I say before pulling into the hospital. "All right everyone stay together!" I say getting out of the van and picking up Abbie and holding Darcy's hand. "Zach and Haden please take hold Allie's hand and walk infront of me." I say. They do as told and we walk into the hospital. I put Abbie down and let go of Darcy's hand. "Allie keep an eye on them for a moment." She nods her head as Abbie sits on her lap. I walk up to the nurse at the desk. "Excuse me but do you have any patients with the last names: Malik, Payne, Styles, or Tomlinson?" I ask the nurse.

"Yes, they are in the largest private room we have in this hospital. Room number 25C." The nurse answers.

"Thank you!" I say turning around to go get the kids.

"Miss, you might not want to get your kids and take them in there yet. I will go and sit with you kids until you come to take them back." She says smiling at me.

"Actually can you go get nurse Annie Smith?" I ask.

"Sure!" She pages them and I see Annie come running down the hall.

"Annie can you watch the kids?" I ask her nodding my head over to the kids.

"Sure!" We walk over to the kids and they all look up at me and Annie.

"Kids I will be back in a few minutes, until I get back Annie here will be watching you." I turn and walk down the hall till I get to the door of the boys room. I knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear 4 voices chorus from the other side. I open the door and I am shocked at the sight I see. I see Louis with his left leg and right arm in casts. Liam with his right leg in a cast. Harry with a bandage around his head and a casted left arm. Zayn had his arm wrapped up and in a sling.

"What happened?!?!?" I ask running over to Liam.

"Louis was driving and someone was in his blindspot and hit us causing us to drive off the road and into a telephone pole." Liam explains.

"Do you guys want the kids to come in here?" I ask. I look down the row to see them noding their heads. I leave my purse by Liam's side and head back to the lobby. "Ok kids! Come on lets go see your dads!" I say as Annie brings them over to me. "Thanks Annie." I say smiling at her. She nods and hands me Abbie. I take Darcy's hand and Allie, Zack and Haden walk behind me to the room the boys are in. "Ok kids be careful with your dad's they aren't in the best shape."I say they nod their heads and I open the door and I hear 5 voices gasp. I feel Darcy let go of my hand and I see her run over to Harry's bed with Haden. Allie and Zach run over to Liam. I see Abbie squirming in my arms so I walk over to Zayn's bed and lay Abbie down with him. I see Darcy bouncing on the floor wanting on be held by her dad so I walk over and pick her up and put her on the bed with Harry. He smiles at me and mouths 'thank you' I smile at him and walk over to Louis. I notice he is looking out the window and not towards anyone. I sit down on his bed next to him, and he looks towards me.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I lean down and hug him as best I can.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. That driver was in your blindspot. You couldn't see him. He hit you and you didn't have control. You are all alive and you will heal!" I say kissing his forehead and sitting up.

"Thanks Sami." He says smiling at me.

"Your welcome Lou!" At that moment El runs into the room and over to Louis so I move over to Liam.

"I'm glad you are ok!" I say hugging him. "Atleast now that we are here your heart rate has gone down." I say giggling at him a little.

"haha funny!" He says laughing. I am just glad that I now know that they are ok!

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