Chapter 39

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Today is the day Liam and I have been waiting for since we had Allie and Zach. Today Allie and her husband are coming over with our granddaughter. Her name is Isabella. I am so excited to meet her. Liam and I were sitting in the living room watching Toy Story while eatting pop corn. I hear a knock on the front door, so I stand up and walk to the door only to see my daughter and her husband. "Liam!! Allie's here!" I yell into the living room while pulling my daughter into a hug. "It's so good to see you sweetheart." I tell her pulling back from the hug.

"It's good too see you too mum! Is Zach here?" She asks.

"He is still on his way." I tell her letting them into the house. We all sit down on the couches. "So is this our little Isabella?" I ask her.

"Yes this is Bella." Allie says sitting down next to me.

"Can I hold her?" I ask Allie. 

"Sure!" She carefully passes me my granddaughter. I look down and I can see so much of Allie in her. The hair color, her smile, her cheeks, face structure. She looks like a little Allie.

"She looks just like you when you were a baby." I tell her.

"Really? Wait till she wakes up and opens her eyes, you will love her eye color." Allie tells me. That is the moment Bella chooses to open her eyes and she has the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Just a little bluer than Niall's eyes.

"Oh wow!!! They are amazing. Liam come here!" I say in a hushed voice. He comes up behind me and looks down at Bella.

"Oh wow! They are an amazing blue! Even bluer than Niall's eyes!" Liam says and I laugh a little.

"So has Zach met baby Bella yet?" I ask her as Liam goes to open the door. 

"Not yet, are the rest of the family coming to see Bella?" Allie asks me.

"Aunt Perrie and Uncle Zayn are, the rest of the family had something to do today so they can't come." I told her. "But I promised to take pictures for them."

"Ok." At that moment Zach comes into the room and Allie jumps on him tackling him to the ground. "It's my baby brother!!" Allie says smiling while we laugh at the two.

"Allie come on! I'm in my 20's!! Im not a baby anymore!" Zach protests.

"You dont put up a protest when I call you my baby boy." I say walking over to him and kissing his forehead.

"Well that's becuase your my mom, in your eyes I will never grow up." He says and I nod. 

"But Zach you will always be her little brother." I tell him.

"True.....but still." He says pouting.

"Just get used to it sweetie, she will be calling you that for the rest of your life." I tell him.

"So where is my niece?" He asks before looking at my arms and face palming at the fact I have been holding her the entire time. "Wow I'm stupid." He says walking over to sit down on the couch. I sit down next to him and pass Bella over to him. "Oh wow!! She has amazing blue eyes!!" He says smiling down at Bella.

"I know!!" I say smiling at him.

"So Allie how is Andy treating you?" Zach asks with the protective brother coming out in him.

"He is treating me fine." Allie says smiling at him. It's a neat occasion seeing the siblings bonding and getting to meet Bella, and seeing Allie's husband Andy. "Warning I will be really critical of the first girl you tell you love to make sure it's the right girl for you." Allie says smiling at Zach. Andy comes over and picks Bella up and hands her to Liam. 

"Really??" Zach asks falling back into the couch, as Allie laughs at him. My life could not get any better.

So this is the end. I am so sorry that I took forever to upload these last few chapters! I have a new story that I will start posting tonight. The new story is titled Finding Love In Royalty I have been working really hard on this story the last few months so I really hope you enjoy it!

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