Chapter 26

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Today Liam is drving Zach to school and I am driving Allie. Afterwards I am meeting up with the girls at starbucks for coffee. It has been about two weeks since Niall proposed to Jade, and today is the kids first day back at school. "Allie are you ready to go to school?" I ask.

"Just a moment mum!" she says and runs down the hall to her room to get her backpack. "Zach? Are you ready sweetie?" I ask.

"I will be.....when ever dad says he is ready to leave." He says finishing his cereal.

"Ok! Just remember that I will be picking you up at the end of your school day." I tell him kissing his forehead as I grab my purse and car keys. "Allie! Hurry up or you will be late for your first day!" I shout up the stairs. I am wearing a light pink knee length dress with a floral print skirt, and a white jean jacket. I have my white purse and a pair of tan wedge ankle boots. 

"Coming!" Allie yells down the stairs. She comes down wearing a blue pair of skinny jeans, a dark grey long sleeved shirt that says 'eat alot, sleep alot' with a pair of black TOMS. "Do you approve?" She asks shifting her backpack on her shoulder.

"Yes. You know that I am not one of those moms!" I say pulling her into a hug. "Now lets get you to school." I say heading towards the front door. "Zach if dad isn't down in 5 minutes then go get the air horn from under the counter and blast it in his ear. Only do that if he is sleeping though. If he isn't sleeping just rush him." I say walking out the door. 

"Ok mom!" He says as the door closes. After a 10 minute ride to the school I walk Allie into her class room. 

"Good luck girlie!" I say waving at her as I walk back towards my car, only to see Liam and Zach getting out of the car and running upto the school. Now you might be wondering....if the are going to school in the same building why didn't I drive Aidan when I brought Allie? Liam said he wanted some father son bonding time. After about 5 minutes I see Liam coming out of the kindergarden section and walking stright towards me. "Someone slept in?" I say smirking at him.

"Maybe.." He says looking down and blushing.

"You got woken up by an air horn didn't you?" I ask smirking even bigger.

"How did you? You told him where the air horn was didn't you?" He asks.

"Yup!" I say smiling as I take his hand and start walking back to the parking lot. 

"You are evil!" He says laughing.

"Thank you!" I say bowing and then sitting down in my car.

"I will see you and the boys at the house for dinner tonight! I am making pasta!" I say as he climbs into his car.

"Ok! See you and the kids then!" He says before pulling out of the parking lot and heading toward the studio where he has his interview with the boys. I pull out after him and drive to the starbucks near the apartments to see the girls already there.

"Sorry! Liam got up late this morning and almost made Zach late for his first day of school." I say to the girls.

"Really? Harry was woken up early this morning and it took me an air horn to get him up!" Shy says laughing. She had taken Haden to school shortly before I did because she also had to take Darcy to preschool.

"Zach woke him with the air horn this morning. I was on my way to the school with Allie." I say smiling.

"Ok so I have some news for you girls!" El says bouncing in her seat.

"What?!" We all say at the same time getting excited.

"I'm 3 months pregnant!!" She says smiling widly!

"Congradulations!!!" We all say and stand up to hug her. It's amazing how quickly our family has grown! Allie is 8, and Zach and Haden are 5. Darcy is 4, and now El is pregnant! Shyanne had Darcy about a year after Aidan. I gave her alot of Allie's stuff that Allie had out grown. Perrie had given birth to a health baby girl a few months before Shyanne gave birth to Darcy. My nieces name is Abigail, but we all call her Abbie. I bet Jade will be the next to have a child.

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