Chapter 36

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Today is the day that the enitre family is getting together. Since Louis and Harry live on either side of us we dont have a fenced in yard. So we are using our three back yards. Everyone is getting here in the early afternoon so we are having a barbaque tonight. Shyanne, Eleanor and I got up early this morning to decorate the back yards. I had Liam getting the house ready. El and I were putting up the tables we had bought and putting table cloths on them. Shy was putting the net up around the trampoline. Perrie and Jade were filling water balloons and filling regular balloons. Louis and Harry were out getting the food. Niall was at the airport waiting for his family. Zayn was still sleeping, we figured we would let his sisters and his daughters wake him up. I walked inside the house to get a couple water bottles when I hear two voices shout my name and come running. "RUTH!!! NICOLA!!!!!" I meet them in the middle and hug them both. "You guys are here early!" I say smiling at the two of them. 

"Well since the entire one direction family is getting together, we were too excited to wait any longer!" Ruth explains. 

"That makes sense. Well why don't you guys head out back with Shyanne and Eleanor. I'm going to go around and wake the kids up before everyone gets here." I say smiling at them. They nod their heads and head out the back door to help the girls set up. I walk into Allie's room and shake her gently to wake her up. "Allie it's time to get up. Everyone is on their way." I tell her. She nods and stands up. 

"Ok, I'll be downstairs in about 10 minutes mom." I walk over to her door and head into Zach's room. 

"Zach, get up everyone is on their way over!" I tell him. He jumps out of bed and runs for the bathroom. 

"Ok I'll be down momentarily!" He says from behind the bathroom door. I go around to the rest of the houses and wake the rest of the kids up in similar maners. I leave Zayn alone still waiting for his sisters so they can wake him up. Once all of the kids are awake and dressed they start helping out with getting everything ready.

~*A few hours later*~

The entire family is here. We are all sitting in a giant circle. Perrie and I sitting next to eachother, because we are technically our only family left. We had all eatten dinner and right now we were roasting marshmellows on the giant bonfire we had made. "So who came up with the idea for a huge family reunion?" Anne asks looking around the circle. 

"I did. I know what it is like to never get to see your family, and techinically we are one big family, so I thought it would be nice for everyone to not only see their family, but to see everyone elses family." I say smiling at all of the parents.

"That was a wonderful idea dear! And we are one big happy family!" Jay says smiling at Louis and her grandchildren.

"Sami, Perrie. If you girls dont mind me asking what did happen to your family?" Maura asks. Perrie looks down, I take her hand and squeeze it.

"Our parents and grandparents were in the military. Nana was in the CIA and she had been ill for a while. One day I had been doing some volunteer work and while I was gone she had been taken to the hospital. 5 minutes before I got there she had passed away. Perrie had already been put into Little Mix at this time. Our Nono was getting ready to be shipped out but instead he was sent home to take care of me. He had been slowly getting sicker after he came home. A few weeks after the funeral I got a phone call saying my other grandparents were on a plane that was heading back from Iraq that got shot down and crashed into a navy ship. That ship happened to be the one my parents were on. All four of them passed away. When I went into Nono's room he wasn't breathing and when he got to the hospital he was pronounced dead. Perrie flew back to america and picked me up the next day and took me back to London. And that is what happened." I tell them with tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"You are a very strong girl." Trisha says standing up along with Anne, Jay, Maura, Karen, Debhora and Norma to gather me and Perrie into a hug. 

"I'm proud of my family for their service and I know they would be very proud of me and Perrie today. I say smiling at Perrie. She returns the smile and we all sit back and joke around for a few more hours before heading to bed.

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