Authors Note

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Ok so this is just a really random authors note but it is also a really important one. So basically yesterday I kept thinking back to elementary school and some of the stuff that happened then and I realized something and this is really weird and I feel really stupid for not realizing it sooner. I was bullied for six years. Once I came to my new school I thought I would have been treated better but nope! Now this isn't me posting this because I want you all to feel bad for me. No, this is me posting it saying that, because of all of the bullying I have had in my life I have become stronger. I may never know why they decided to bully me but the one thing I will know is that because they did I will forever be smarter and stronger. So incase any of you reading this did bully me, you never broke me.

Back in elementary school when I used to have my birthday parties my mom actually made a rule saying that I could only invite two people to celebrate with me because I could only ever get two people to come over. My friends would make plans with me and then just not show up and never tell me why. I was just there if their plans fell through. When I came to my new school I thought that the friends that I made here would be with me at least till graduation, but yet again I was wrong. The number of 'close' friends that I had when moved here was about 10, flash forward 4 years and the number of close friends I have that are in my grade is 2. I have 2 friends that have stayed with me for 4 years. I lost 2 friends last year and now that I look back on it I don't miss them. I have been told by so many people that I have a heart of gold. I am constantly more concerned about others than myself. I volunteer every week, and during school if there is an opportunity to help out with something I do it. I have a fear of needles and I donated a pint of blood! 

If you have ever been bullied or are being bullied, stand up for yourself or tell an adult. I did that and they backed off and haven't done anything since. No one deserves to be bullied. Growing up we are always told to be ourselves, that our differences make us unique. But if bullies pick on us for our differences then how are we supposed to be ourselves? If everyone was the same the world would be boring. It is our individuality that makes the world so diverse. But at the same time it is our similarities that make our friendships so strong. I have two best friends. One of them goes to school with me and is a girl named Meghan, she is 17 years old and is the first best friend that I have ever really had. She knows how to cheer me up and we somehow always manage to know what the other one is thinking. My other best friend is a 15 year old wattpad user! Some of you might know her as WolfGirl54, but I know her as Shyanne. We have gotten so close over the last 4 years. Both Meghan and Shyanne have been with me through all of the ups and downs. No matter how bad of a day I have they are always there for me. 

Now if any of you have actually read this, I bet at this point you are beginning to wonder what the point of me posting this was. Well the whole point is if any of you are being bullied just know that you can message me and I will be here to listen! 

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