Chapter 5

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Ok so Lou and El's picnic is at 2pm and it is about 10am right now. I already packed their picnic basket and sent Liam over to pick Louis up to set everything up. I am currently in the car with Allie headed to El's apartment to get ready for their date. I pull up to the building and get Allie out of the car. We went inside and went up the the 3rd floor and walked to room 304. I knock on the door and it swings open to reveal a distressed looking Eleanor. "Thank god that you are here! I really need some help!" She says pulling me inside the apartment.

"Ok El! Calm down, now have you already showered this morning?" I ask.

"No not yet. I was getting ready to when you knocked." She says.

"Ok, well go shower. I will pick out your outift and get ready to do your hair and makeup." I tell her pushing her into the bathroom. "Hey Allie why don't you go watch some tv while I help Auntie El." I say to my 3 year old she knods and walks to the living room. I turn around and walk into El's closet. Ok so they are going on a picnic.....she could wear a cute dress, but knowing Louis, she will probably want shorts. I look around her closet and find a pair of pink high waisted shorts and a white t-shirt. I find her white lace TOMS in her closet and put them next to her outfit. I grab her curling iron and her eyeliner, eye shadow and lip gloss. I wonder how things are going with the boys?

Liam's Prov:

I had just gotten to the park when Louis yanks open my car door. "Louis calm down!" I say laughing as I get out of my car.

"I can't! I am proposing to El in an hour and thirty minutes!!! Hurry up!!" He says.

"Ok! Here take the picnic basket out of the boot. I'll be there in a minute with the instruments, lights and the blanket." I open the boot for him and he grabs the basket and runs. 

"Oh! Harry will be here in about 10 minutes with the microphones!" Louis shouts over his shoulder. I grab the blanket and lay it across my shoulder then I pick up the two guitars that we have in the boot of the car. I close the boot and head in the direction I saw Louis run off in. I walk for about a minute before I see Louis standing near a gazebo with the picnic basket and a bag of rose petals and a bunch of candles. 

"Hey Lou, here is the blanket and the guitars. I need to run back and get the lights." I say putting everything on the ground. I quickly run back and grab the lights from the boot and head back over to where I left Louis. When I get back I see that he has already laid out the blanket and is starting to set up the candles. "Well you work fast." I say laughing.

"Well we don't have much time and I still need to go home and get ready. So get to work!!" He says. I laugh and start stringing the lights through the trees above the blanket. Once they are up I head to the gazebo and put the guitars on the stands as Harry walks over with the microphones. 

"Here you are Li!" He says handing them to me. 

"Thanks Haz. Can you help Louis with the picnic stuff. I can finish up the stage." I tell him. He nods his head and walks towards Lou. I quickly arrange the stools and arrange the two microphones between the stools so they will pick up all of our voices. The plan is that Louis and Eleanor will have their dinner and we will all be hiding behind some bushes. Eleanor should be sitting with her back to us, so once Lou gives us the signal we will quietly walk onto the gazebo and start singing and playing Little Things. Louis and Eleanor will dance and once the song finishes Louis will propose to her. If she says yes we will set off some fireworks before we leave Louis and Eleanor alone to celebrate in their own way.

"Guys! I'm gonna head to my apartment and get ready. Can you guys call Niall and Zayn and make sure they get here before me and Eleanor?" He asks.

"Yea dont worry!! Everything will be fine!"

~*About an hour later*~

We had just finished singing Little things. Now it's time. I nudge Harry and he moves towards the fireworks. "Eleanor, I love you with all my heart. You are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with! Eleanor Jane Calder will you marry me?" Lou asks getting down on one knee. 

"Yes!! A thousand times yes!!!" She says jumping into his arms. He picks her up and spins her around. Harry sets off a few fireworks and we all get up and sneak off towards the cars. Niall and I had our guitars and Lou promised me he would return the lights and the blanket and basket tomorrow. Harry and Zayn had picked up the microphones and we all were headed towards the cars. This was really neat thing to be a part of.

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