Chapter 38

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"Can you guys come out here?" Liam asks looking stright at us. We all walk on stage and over to our boys.

"So how about we go oldest to youngest of us boys and introduce you to our families? So Lou, that means your first!" Harry says.

"Ok so this is my mum Jay and my step-dad Mark, and my younger sisters Georgia, Lottie, Felicite, Daisy and Phoebe. My mother-in-law Debhora, her husband Philip and my wonderful wife Eleanor, and our two kids Chase and Isabella. Zaynie!!" Louis says passing it off to him.

"This is my mum Trisha, my dad Yaser, my sisters Doniya, Wliyha, and Safaa. My wonderful wife Perrie Edwards and her sister Sami, and our two kids Abbie and Madelyn. Lili!!" Zayn says.

"This is my mum Karen, my dad Geoff and my sisters Ruth and Nicola. My wonderful wife Sami and her sister Perrie, and our two wonderful kids Allie and Zach. Ni Ni!!!" Liam says smiling at all of us warmly.

"This is my mum Maura and my dad Bobby, and my big brother Greg. This is my wonderful wife Jade, and her mum Norma, her dad James and her sister Shyanne. And here are our two kids Brookelyn and Kaley. Hazzy!" Niall yells and you hear the audiance laugh!!

"This is my mum Anne and my step-dad Robin, and my big sister Gemma. This is my wife Shyanne, her sister Jade, her mum Norma, and her dad James. And our kids Haden and Darcy!" You hear the crowd clapping.

"So this is our family that we love to death, and we would be no where without! Thank you guys for all your support over the years! We will continue to preform for as long as we can. Thank you all so much for everything!" Liam says.

"We have a few more songs to preform before we have to leave!" Louis says. We all head off the stage leaving the boys to finish the concert.

~*After the concert*~

We were all in our individual houses spending time with our families before they leave tomorrow afternoon. Niall's parents and Greg left after the concert because it is a nine hour trip to get back to Mullinger. Karen and Geoff had already gone to bed and Ruth and Nicola were down stairs getting ready for bed. Zach was in bed. Allie had gone upstairs to start getting her stuff together because in a few days we had to drop her off at university so she could get used to the campus.

~*A week later*~

Today is the day that we are taking Allie to her school. Lucky for us she is still in London so it is a shorter drive when we visit her. "You ready Allie?" I ask walking up to her room.

"Yea kinda." She says turning around to look at me.

"Aww Allie!" I hug her. "Whats wrong my little Allie bear?" I ask her as she cries on my shoulder.

"I don't know if I am ready to leave home." She says taking in a shaky breath.

"Well lets not think of it at leaveing ok? Lets think of it as you going on a week long vacation. You can always come back on the weekends. Or after a class one day, I would be more than happy to go get coffee with you." I tell her smiling. She looks up and smiles at me. "University is going to be a wonderful experiance for you. Your going to meet so many new people." I say smiling.

"Your right. It's gonna feel weird not having my baby brother there with me though." She says laughing a bit.

"I'm not a baby, and dad said we need to leave." Zach says coming into the room.

"Ok, tell your dad that you two can take off and we will leave momentarily." I tell him, he nods and runs down the stairs. "Come on we have a surprise for you sweetie." I tell her and drag her down the stairs.

"Ok." I drag her down the stairs and out onto the driveway. "Is that a new car?" She asks.

"Yes and it is all yours, but I am driving it to the hop in." I say laughing at her face before getting in the car.

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