Chapter 7

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It has been a few days since Zayn came and asked me for proposal advice. Today is the day that Zayn and I are going ring shopping for Perrie. I looked at the clock and realized Zayn will be here in about 2 hours. I roll over only to realize that Liam isn't there. So I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. After a wonderful shower I walk into our bedroom and grab a high low white sundress and a purple belt. I blow dry my hair and pull it up into a high pony tail and grab my white wedge heels. I grab my I-Phone, wallet and chap stick and put in into my purse along with my keys. I walk into the living room and notice I only have an hour left till I have to leave. "Good morning love!" I hear Liam say in the kitchen.

"Morning!" I say walking up behind him and wraping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his shoulder. He turns his head towards me and kisses my forehead. 

"You look all fancy today. Where are you going?" He asks. 

"Thank you for the compliment." I say letting go and grabbing a chocolate chip muffin off the counter. "I am going ring shopping with Zayn for Perrie's engagement ring." I tell him while I eat my breakfst.

"Ok can you take Allie with you guys today? I am hanging out with Lou and Haz today." He says. I pull my phone out of my purse and see I have two texts.

"Actually El and Shy just texted me." I say looking up at him. 

*To: Sami!! :)

Hey! Lou and I are meeting with a wedding planner today so tell Li that Lou is really sorry.

From: Ellie!!

*To: Sami<3

Hey! Haz and I are going to see his parents and sister today, so tell Liam he is really really sorry, and hopes Li isn't mad at him.

From: Shy<3

I read the texts out to Liam. "Ok I got an idea! How about you come with me and Zayn and we bring Allie with us." I say.

"That works." He says nodding. I throw away the trash from my breakfast.

"That way maybe we go clothes shopping for Allie while helping Zayn." I say.

"Sounds like a plan. How long till you have to meet Zayn?" Liam asks.

"About 45 minutes." I say. "We need to leave in 15 minutes though." I tell him while walking out of the room to go and wake Allie up. I walk into her room and see her just waking up. "Allie, its time to wake up and eat. We are gonna leave for shopping in 15 minutes." I say pulling out a little pink dress, a jean jacket and a pair of pink flats. She walks over and takes the clothes from me.

"Ok mommy!" She says smiling up at me. I grab her pink head band and her hair brush. Once she is dressed I brush through her hair and put the head band in. 

"Ok, now lets go see daddy!" I say taking her hand and checking the time on my phone. I have 5 minutes left till we have to leave. 

~*An hour later*~

Zayn and I were in the third jewelry store in the mall. "Ok this store has got to be it." I tell him. "Third time is the charm!" I say pulling him over to the rings. I start looking through the rings and notice a ring that caught both mine and Zayn's attention.

"This is her ring!!" Zayn and I say at the same time then start laughing. The ring had a silver band and had three stones. Two of them were small diamonds, and the one in the center was a purple amythest.

"This is the perfect ring for Perrie!" I say smiling. I am so glad that she is going to be getting married.

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