Chapter 11

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The boys had been on tour for about a week now and I was now driving Allie to dance. She looked like a little ballerina. We had just gotten to the studio and I was sitting in the hallway while she ran into the room.I was scrolling through Liam's recent tweets when I hear the classroom door open. "Mrs. Payne?" I look up to see a paniced teacher. I stand up and grab my purse running into the room. I see Allie on the ground outcold curled up in a ball. 

"What happened?!?!?" I ask freaking out.

"She was doing her warm ups and all of a sudden she just collapsed." The teacher says freaking out. I pick my daughter up and run to the car. I drive to the nearest hospital. Once I pull into the parking lot I hear Allie groan from the backseat.

"Allie are you ok sweetie?" I ask turning around to look at her. I see tears in her eyes. "What hurts Allie bear?" I ask. She just points to her leg. I get out of the car after grabbing my purse and I lift Allie out of the car and run into the hospital and up to the desk. "My daughter colapsed during her dance class and now she is saying that her leg hurts." I tell the nurse. 

"Ok go done this hallway into the first room on your right. A doctor will be there in a moment Mrs. Payne." She says and I head down to the room. I still haven't gotten used to people I have never met knowing my name. I set Allie down on the bed and stand right next to her holding her hand. It was about three more minutes before the doctor walked in.

"Hello, is this the room Allison Payne is in?" He asks.

"Yes it is." I say while hugging my crying daughter.

"Ok now can you explain to me exactly what happened?" He asks.

"She was doing her warm ups in dance class and she just colapsed. Once we got into the parking lot here she woke up. That was about 10 minutes later that she woke up. Once she did she said her leg was hurting." I tell the doctor.

"Ok so lets get her an x-ray of her leg, she might of just some how fractured or broken her leg." He says.

"Ok!" I pick Allie up and follow the doctor down the hall to the x-ray room. I position Allie to where she needs to be before I had to get behind the wall. After a few shots of her leg had been taken I lift her up and take her back into the room we were in before. It was about 20 minutes before a nurse came in with the supplies to give Allie a cast.

"The x-rays showed that she broke her leg, as long as she wears this cast and uses either crutches or you carry her for a month her leg should heal fine." The nurse says starting to plaster her leg. "What color cast would you like sweetie?" She asks Allie.

"PURPLE!!!" Allie says laughing a little. Oh yea I forgot to mention they gave her some pain meds after the x-rays so Allie could stop crying. It took about 20 minutes for the nurse to finish Allie's cast. She gave us a pair of crutches and adjusted them to Allie's height. "Mommy can you carry me out to the car?" Allie asks looking up at me.

"Sure sweetie." I picked her up and we walked out to the car. Once we got home I took Allie to her room and had her take a nap before dinner. As I walked into the kitchen I heard my laptop ringing on the counter in the kitchen. I look at the screen and notice it is Liam.

"Sami! I am so happy to see you! Where is my little Allie bear?" He asks smiling at the screen.

"Um about that...." I say trailing off.

"What happened? Is she ok?" He asks freaking out.

"She is sleeping. And she is fine for the most part. She broke her leg during dance today." I say looking down.

"Do you want me to come home to help you take care of her? I can cancel the tour!" He says.

"Liam you are not disappointing your fans just because our daughter broke her leg! I love you but I can take care of her." I tell him.

"Ok, but if anything else happens I am coming home and you can't stop me!" He says pointing at me. 

"Ok! But dont think I won't try and send you back!" I say and then start to feel a little sick. 

"Well the concert is going to start soon so I will skype you and Allie after the concert!" He says and kisses the camera. I do the same and after he disconnects I run to the bathroom and start puking my guts up. After 10 minutes I realize I am too weak to stand so I pull out my cell phone. 

"Hello?" I hear the only voice I hold close besides Allie, and Liam's.

"Pezz, can you come over?" I ask.

"Sure baby sister. What's wrong?" She asks.

"I'll explain when you get here." I say before hanging up the phone. I curl up into a ball and wait for Perrie to get here. I gave her a key to the house, since she is my sister and Allie's godmother. A few minutes later I hear the front door unlock and Perrie comes in.

"Sami! Where are you?" She asks.

"In here!" I yell back. She comes into the bathroom and sees me curled up on the ground. 

"Sweetie are you ok?" She asks kneeling on the ground next to my head and pulling my head into her lap. 

"I dont know I feel a little weak and sick to my stomach." I tell her. 

"Well lets get you to bed and I will keep an eye on Allie and you tonight." She says helping me stand up and walk over to the bed.

"Thanks Pezz, but when Liam skypes us after the concert tonight do not tell him that I am sick. Allie broke her leg today at dance and he said if one more thing goes wrong then he will come home. I can't have that guilt on my head of all the disappointed fans because the boys cancel the tour." I say as Perrie sets me on the bed. I grab the blankets and curl up underneath them. Perrie grabs the trash can and brings it over to my bed.

"Don't worry I wont say a thing. Now you just relax, I'm gonna bring you a gingerale and some chicken noodle soup and I will get Allie dinner and get her ready for bed all before Liam skypes you guys. And if he asks just say you have a cold and I will take care of you." She says kissing my forehead before walking out of the room. After she walks out it isn't long before I fall asleep.

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