Chapter 19

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I had gotten into a room and was on a bed in a hospital gown. I had been measured and shockingly I was close to 5cm dialated already. My doctor walked through the door carrying my pain meds. "Oh thank god!" I say smiling at my doctor.

"Hey Sami! It's great to see you again! Now I do want to remind you that because this is your second pregnancy your labor is going to pass much faster." She tells me as she starts giving me the pain medication. 

"Ok! Can you bring a couple people in here?" I ask her.

"Sure! Who would you like?" She asks.

"Liam, Perrie, and Zayn." I say.

"Ok, they will be in momentarily." She says turning around to leave.

"Also can I be put into Shyanne Thirwall Styles room after I give birth? I was in her room when I went into labor." I tell her.

"I'll see what I can do." She says as she walks out and Z, Pezz, and Li all come in and stand where they did they last time.

"Li, did you call Karen?" I ask him.

"Yea, she is on her way with Allie now." He says. I nod and ease myself back down onto the bed.

"Make sure that Allie does not come in here before both Zachary and I are cleaned up." I say looking up at Liam.

"Mum said that she will keep Allie out of the room until someone comes out to get her." He reassures me.

"Good! I dont want to have her passing out because of all the blood." I say laughing a little. I hear Liam chuckle a little.

"That really would not be good." He says. "I don't think it would be easy for me to have 3/4 of my family as paitients in the hospital!" He says laughing at the thought.

~*1 am*~

"Congradulations you have given birth to a healthy baby boy!" Doctor Bradly says while walking with Zach away from the bed to get him all washed up. The nurse takes Zayn and Perrie out of the room so I could be sticted up and the sheets on the bed changed and me moved into Shyanne's room. 

"Li go and get Allie and take her to Shy's room because I am being moved in there." He nods his head and kisses me on the forehead before walking out of the room. A few moments later Zach is in my arms and we are being wheeled down the hall to Shyanne's room. "Could I have my bed put close to Shyanne's?" I ask the nurse. 

"I will put you close enough that one or two people can stand between you two. We need the room so we can change you IVs." The nurse says just as we get in the room. I nod my head and look back down at a sleeping little Aidan in my arms. I feel the bed stop moving and I see Allie climb into the bed next to me.

"Allie meet your baby brother Zach." I say smiling at the both of them. Allie has a look of amazement on her face. Liam is standing to my right and Allie is on the right hand side of the bed. "Harry can you come stand between me and Shy really quick?" He nods and takes a chair and sits down inbetween the two of us. "Harry, Shyanne meet your god son Zachary William Payne." I say handing Zach to Harry. Shyanne and Harry start smiling at eachother like a couple idiots.

"Really? Your letting us be his god parents?" Shy says smiling happily.

"What is a god parent?" Allie asks me.

"If something were to happen to me your god parents are the ones who would take care of you." I explain to her. 

"Who are my god parents?" She asks.

"Your aunt Perrie and Uncle Zayn." I tell her. She nods and curls up into my side as Liam puts Zach in the baby bed the nurse had brought in. I look around the room to see everyone sleeping. The excitement of two babies being born in 24 hours taking a toll on everyone. It's nice to know how much we all care about everyone in this family.

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