Chapter 32

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Today is the day that Niall and Jade are coming back from their honeymoon. They haven't heard yet that the boys had been in an accident. Somehow we managed to keep the accident out of the paper. So I am going to pick Niall and Jade up from the airport today. All of the boys and girls are at the house waiting for us to come back. The boys are still in their casts. Zayn is the only one who doesn't look like he got hurt. I walk to the gate where Niall and Jade will be coming out. Once I see Niall's hair I start jumping like a maniac. "Niall!! Jade!!!! Over here!!!!" I yell. They look over at me and see me waving my arms like crazy. Niall is laughing his head off and Jade is shaking her head while laughing. "Hey!!" I say while hugging the both of them.

"Hey Sami! It's great to see you!" Niall says while hugging me.

"How is everyone?" Jade asks while hugging me.

"Um pretty good!" I say with a nervous smile.

"Are you hiding something from us?" Jade asks looking woried.

"Um lets get in the car. You have to see it." I tell them.

"Ok...." Niall says soudning concerned.

"Trust me it's nothing really bad." I tell them smiling.

"Ok good!" They both say smiling back.

~*At the house*~

I was really nervous right now. I had dropped them off at Niall's apartment and was waiting by the front door for them.

"Sami calm down!" Liam says coming up behind me.

"I'm worried that Niall is going to freak out!" I say turning around to face him.

"Don't worry. He will make sure that we are fine and then he will calm down." He says.

"Speaking of you being ok, you should be sitting." I say pushing him into the living room with the rest of the boys.

"Ok. Ok!" He says laughing. I turn around just as the door bell rings. I open the door to see a smiling Niall and Jade.

"Hey guys come on in!" I say smiling. They come in. "So head on into the living room." I tell them and when they do all I hear is gasps.

"What the hell happened while we were gone?!" Niall asks sounding very frusterated and upset.

"They were in a car accident. Someone was in Louis' blindspot and hit them causing them to hit a light pole." I whisper to the two of them. "Lou still beats himself up about it." I tell them.

"At least you are all ok." Jade says going around and hugging all of the boys.

"So did Zayn really walk away with no injuries?" Niall asks.

"No he got his shoulder dislocated and was wearing a sling, but he is fine now." Perrie says.

"Ok! But anyway we have news of our own!" Niall says. I walk over and sit down next to Liam.

"What's the news?" All of us girls ask.

"Were having a baby!!" Niall and Jade says at the same time.

"Oh my god!! Congradulations!!" We all yell at the same time. We all jump up and hug each of them.

"So how far along are you?" I ask her.

"I am-" She cuts herself off and runs to the bathroom. Niall not far behind her.

"So she is under 2 months." I say and giggle a litte. Our family is getting even bigger and I love it!

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