Chapter 13

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It was about 20 minutes before Perrie came back with the test. "Ok Sami here is the test." Perrie says coming towards the bathroom and handing it to me. 

"Thanks Pezz." I say smiling slightly. She walks out of the room and I take the test and wait the 10 minutes I needed to wait. "Perrie can you come here!" I yell as the timer goes off.

"What's up?" She asks as she walks into the bathroom with me.

"I need you to look I am to nervous to look at the test." I tell her.

"Ok sweetie." I wait a few seconds and when I look up I see a smile on her face. "I'm gonna be an aunt again!!" She hugs me and shows me the test that has the pink plus sign on it.

"Oh my gosh! Allie's gonna be a sister." I say smiling. 

"Liam is going to be so happy!" Perrie says jumping up and down. The smile quickly falls off my face.

"Oh no, how am I going to tell Liam? He is going to want to leave the tour to come and take care of me!" I tell her freaking out.

"Well you can't hide it, and he will be back in about 3 weeks." She says.

"True, I guess I will tell him when he skypes us today." At that moment I hear the laptop ringing in my bedroom. "Crap!" I say. I stand up and run over to the laptop and accept the call. Perrie follows me out and is standing right behind me looking over my shoulder.

"Hey sweetie! Hey Pezz!" Liam says waving at the screen.

"Hey Li!" We both say at the same time causing all of us to laugh.

"Well have fun you two!" Perrie says walking out of the room. I stick the middle finger up at her, she just smiles and I hope that Liam didn't see that.

"Why did you just flip your sister off?" He asks laughing.

"Um Liam I have something to tell you." I say looking down.

"What's wrong sweetie? Is Allie ok? Are you sick?" He asks begining to freak out.

"Liam we are fine! But Perrie is going to be an aunt again, and Allie is going to be a sister." I say looking up to see his reaction.

"Were having another baby?" He asks.

"Yea...." I say.

"Oh my god! I have to come back!!" Liam says starting to freak out.

"Liam!! Calm down!! I am only about a month pregnant, and you know that I won't really need you to be here with me till month 3. Besides I will wait until you are here to tell Allie, and Perrie said that she will take care of me until you come back." I tell him. He takes a deep breath calming down. 

"You do know that you are going to have to go house hunting while I am gone right?" He says smiling slightly at the camera.

"I can do that. I will try and keep the house as close to the boys as possible." I say smiling at him.

"Ok, and make sure you take Allie with you! I want her to like the house, and also make sure there is a guest room, incase we make a third." He says laughing.

"We will see how I deal with this one, if it goes bad there will not be a third child Payne." I say glaring at him.

"Hey you can no longer play the last name game Payne." He says laughing at me.

"Touche!" I say laughing. This went alot better than I thought it would.

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