Chapter 3

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Sami's Prov:

The reception had just ended and Liam and I drove to Louis, Harry and Shyanne's apartment. Harry and Shyanne are going to start house hunting when they come back from their honeymoon. They are looking for a place near by Liam and I, but still close to the boys. We got into their apartment and I grabbed Shy and Liam grabbed Harry and we took them to their seperate bedrooms. I went into Shyanne's dresser and found a pair of black sweatpants and a black v-neck t-shirt. I noticed Harry's purple Jack Willis hoodie in her closet so I hand that to her. She picked out her undergarmets and I push her into the bathroom. I grba her suite case from the closet and pack a few dresses some heels, along with 2 pairs of TOMS, some shorts, a couple skirts, and a bunch of t-shirts, bras, underwear, socks, and tanktops. I grab her makeup off the counter and throw it into her purse along with her cell phone. I check her room to make sure I am not forgeting anything. I put her suite case and purse right outside her room. Once Shy comes out of the shower I quickly comb her hair and then french braid it back and hand her a pair of TOMS. "Did you already pack everything?" She asks.

"Everything except for your shower stuff." I say.

"OK let me get a bag and we can toss it in there then put that in my suite case." She walks back into her bathroom. I take this moment to get her suite case back from outside the room and open it. I check one last time to make sure she has everything. I realize I forgot her charger for her phone. I grab the charger and put it in her purse along with a bottle of water. "Ok here we go!" She says handing me her bath stuff. I put it into her suite case and realize she needs a bathing suite and some extra hair ties and her pads, just incase. "Really?!?!?" She asks when she sees me packing some of her pads. 

"You can never be too careful! Now look through everything one more time and make sure your not missing anything!" I say. 

"Did you get my hair brush?" She asks.

"Crap!" I say running and grabbing it. 

"Any of my acesories?" She asks.

"I forgot, thank you!" I say. I grab some of her necklaces, bracletes, and earrings and her ear cleaner.

"Did you grab the-"

"If you are about to say cleaner I already got it." I say laughing

"Good!" She says. Then Perrie and Jade came into the room to triple check everything and make sure I got Allie back.

~*A few hours later*~

It was 5:30am and Harry, Shy, Jade, Liam and I are standing in the airport waiting for Paul to come and get Harry and Shy. They are taking a private jet so that way Shy can't find out where they are going for their honeymoon till they get there. Harry told us last week when Liam and I came home where they were going. Shy and Harry are going to Paris!!!! The city of love! He booked a hotel near the eifel tower, you could look out the window in their room and could see it. They are going to have a fantastic time. I see Paul walk over to us. "Guys it's time. The jet is feuled and ready to fly." Paul says.

"Ok! Well we will see you guys soon." Harry says bro hugging Liam and gently hugging me. I was holding a sleeping Allie in my arms. 

"We should be back before Allie starts kindergarden." Shy says hugging me and Allie. 

"Ok sweetie! Hope you have fun! And bring me back something!" I yell to them as they walk away.

"Will do! See ya!" Shy yells back.

"Bye guys! Be careful!!" I yell.

"Now lets get home and put this little princess back to bed." Liam says kissing my forehead as we walk out of the airport.

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