Chapter 22

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Right now I am in Perrie's apartment helping her pack for her honeymoon. We kinda forgot to pack her stuff before the wedding. Liam is with Zayn packing his stuff. And Harry and Shy are at my and Liam's house with Allie and Zach putting them to bed while Liam and I take Zayn and Perrie to the airport. They are heading to Los Angles California for a about 3 months. I drove Perrie to her apartment and was pulling out some of her clothes and stuff that she would need while she got out her suitcases. I pull out matching bra and underwear, a pair of gray sweatpants, a light blue tank top and Zayn's blue varsity jacket that she wore the other night. I find her brown uggs and put the outfit in the bathroom along with her hair products and I take her make up back into her bedroom. Just as I am walking in with her make up she is walking in with her suitcases. "Ok I put an outfit in your bathroom so go in and take a quick shower and then but all of your bathroom stuff in this bag and then bring the bag to me and I will pack it away." I say handing her a bag, she nods and walks into the bathroom. "I'll do your hair when you come out!" I tell her as the door to her bathroom closes.

"Thank you baby sister!!" She yells back to me. I start folding all of the clothes I had pulled out and gently place them into her suitcase. After about 15 minutes of me packing away everything Perrie would need except for what she has in the bathroom, she comes out. 

"Ok hand me the bag." She tosses it to me and I quickly pack it away and get Perrie seated at her vanity. I blow dry her hair and do an upside down french braid and turn the remainder of the braid into a bun on top of her head.

"So can you give me any hints as to where we are going?" She asks me.

"Sorry Pezz. I can't tell you anything Zayn made me swear I wouldn't say anything." I say hugging her from behind.

"Dang! I really want to know!" She says standing up and hugging me back. We grab her bags and head back towards the car.

"All I will tell you is that I know you will love what he has planned." I tell her. 

"I just really want to know." She says pouting.

"Well lets go to the airport and have some starbucks before your flight." I tell her. She walks over to the passenger seat and I get into the drivers seat. "So are you moving into Zayn's apartment?" I ask her.

"Yea.....That reminds me while I am gone I need you to pack my stuff up. Liam and the guys are going to move my stuff to Zayn's house. I just need you to pack and unpack for me. You know how I organize everything so that would work easily." She says smiling at me.

"I can do that no problem. I just have to hope Liam doesn't have to go to the studio that much over the next 2 weeks." I say laughing.

"Thank you so much!!" She says bouncing in her seat as we pull up to the airport. "I see Zayn and Liam are already here." She says as we park next to Zayn's car. 

"Well let's go!" I say climbing out of the car and taking one of her suitcases. She takes her carry-on and her other suitcase. We go through all the checks and get to the starbucks to see Zayn and Liam sitting at a table in the starbucks with two extra cups of coffee. We walk over and take a seat.

"So how did packing go?" I ask Liam.

"To much stuff!!!" He says laughing.

"It's not my fault it takes a lot of product to make my hair look this good." We all laugh at that comment.

"How did it go for you?" Liam asks me.

"Went a lot easier than it did for you! It was actually kind of fun!" I say smiling at my sister.

"You guys have a wonderful sibling relationship." Zayn says smiling at the both of us.

"Well we were always together and always there to listen so it made us just that much closer!" I say smiling at my sister. "So you better treat her right or else I will be coming after you." I say giving him my 'I'm serious face'. They all laugh at the sight of Zayn's face paleing. God I love my family.

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