Chapter 34

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Today is the day that my baby girl graduates high school. I got up this morning and made a huge breakfast. I made pancakes and cut up some fresh fruit. I made scrambled eggs and baccon. I set the table and go around and start waking everyone up. Once they are all down stairs I look at Liam to see tears in his eyes, Allie noticed at the same time I did. "Dad why are you crying?" Allie asks and everyones head turns towards Liam.

"My baby girl is going to graduate high school tonight!" We see the first tear fall from his eyes.

"Oh dad!" Allie says standing up and running over to hug Liam. "I'll always be your little girl!" She says. When she lifts her head up you can see the tears in her eyes. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and stand up from the table.

"I'll be back. I'm going to get Allie's present." I say walking out of the room and up the stairs. I walk into my and Liam's closet and head for the back corner where the dry cleaner bag that has Allie's dress is. It's a white strapless, knee lenght dress with a brown belt at the waist. I bought her a pair of white wedges to go with her dress. I also got her diamond earrings and an engraved necklace. The necklace is a heart that says 'We love you baby girl -mum & dad'. I take the stack of boxes and the dress down stairs and hand them to Allie. "Happy graduation baby girl." I say smiling at her. She sits down in her chair as Zach starts clearing the table. She goes for the stack of boxes first. As she unwraps the first box, Liam walked over to me and stood behind my chair. She pulls out the earrings first and her smile is huge.

"These are beautiful!" She says smiling at Liam and I.

"Well keep going!" I say smiling back. She opens the necklace and tears up a little when she reads the message.

"Awww!" She says as she finished reading the message. She opens the big box to see her shoes and then opens the dress bag to see the beautiful dress. "Thank you guys so much!" She says as she stands up and hugs us both.

"Ok go get dressed. The rest of the family will be meeting us for lunch before we take you to your school for your graduation." I tell her. She nods her head and takes her clothes upstairs. I follow after her and head into my and Liam's room. I walk over to the closet and pull out my black pencil skirt and pull out my white lace top with a pink tank top underneath. While I was looking through my shoe rack after getting changed I hear a knock at the closet door. I look up to see Allie. "What's up sweetie?" I ask her picking out my black wedge ankle boots.

"I was wondering if you would help me with my make up and hair?" She asks.

"Of course! Come on!" She walks into the closet and sits down at my vanity. I quickly pull out my curling iron and my bobby pins. I curl her hair and have to stop before I start pinning her hair up. "Can you go get your cap so I can see how high I can pin your hair up?" I ask she nods her head and quickly runs to her room to get it, she is back seconds later. "Ok sit so I can start pinning your hair up!" I say. She nods and laughs. I pin her hair up into a cute little bun, and do her make up quickly, making her look natural.

"Thank you mom!" She says smiling, and taking her cap off. "Would you like me to do your hair and make up?" She asks me.

"Sure sweetie!" I have taught her well enough that I trust her doing this. She strightens my hair and pulls a few pieces of it back and then does my make up naturally. "Ok! Go get your gown! It's time to go meet the family for lunch!" I say smiling at her. She runs into her room. I quickly slip my heels on, when I turn around I see Allie standing in the doorway waiting for me. I walk over and she takes my hand much like when she was a kid. I smile at her and we walk down the stairs. "Ok lets go!" I say and we all head out to the cars.

~*4 hours later*~

We are all sitting in a row watching the kids in Allie's class walk across the stage getting their diplomas. I am sitting inbetween Liam and Perrie. Zach and the rest of the kids are sitting in the row infront of us so we can see them all. I look down and see Allie is going to be the next person to walk across the stage. "Allison Payne." You hear our group start clapping like crazy. When they moved the tassel from left to right Liam and I lost it. We were sobbing, and we both still had tears coming out of our eyes when Allie met us in the lobby of her school.

"Congradulations!"Liam and I say hugging her as the same time.

"Thanks!" Allie says, and when she pulls away she wipes the tears away from our eyes. "I'll be right back!" She says grabbing Zach and dragging him over to her friends to take some pictures.

"She is our little angle!" I say smiling at Liam.

"She really is!" He agrees kissing my forehead.

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