Chapter 35

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It was about a week after Allie had graduated and we were out shopping getting her some stuff for when she leaves for college in two months. "Ok wanna stop at Starbucks?" I ask Allie.

"Sure!" We walk in and both order frozen hot chocolates, as we turn to leave I almost spill mine.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!" I say looking up. "Ashton?" I say surprised. "Calum? Luke? Michael?" I say looking at the four boys.

"SAMI!!" They yell. Allie has enough time to take my drink from my hands before I am tackled to the ground in a hug. Good dang thing I am not wearing a skirt today. 

"It's nice to see you guys too." I say laughing. They stand up and Luke and Ashton hold out a hand and pull me back onto my feet. "Allie this is Luke, Ashton, Mike, and Calum. They were on tour with your Dad and uncles when I got pregnant with you. Boys this is my and Liam's daughter Allie." I introduce them.

"Wow have you grown up!" Ashton says. Allie laughs. 

"The last time we saw you was the day after you were born." Luke says.

"How old are you now?" Calum asks her.

"I am 18, I just graduated high school." She tells them.

"Wow! I feel old now!" Mike says laughing.

"We are just here shopping for stuff for when Allie leaves for college in two months." I tell them.

"So how are the lads?" Ashton asks. 

"They are fine. Harry has two kids, Haden and Darcy. Louis has two kids Chase and Bella. Niall has two daughters Brookelyn and Kaley. Zayn has two daughters Abbie and Madelyn, and I have a son named Zach." I tell them.

"Do we know their wives?" Luke asks.

"Well you already know that I married Liam. Shyanne married Harry. Eleanor married Louis. Perrie married Zayn and Jade married Niall." I tell them.

"Wait Jade and Perrie from Little Mix?" They ask.

"Yup, Perrie my older sister and Jade, Shyanne's older sister." I tell them.

"Wow! Are you guys still close?" Luke asks.

"Yea, we are actually all neighbors, and have dinner together about once a week. What about you guys? Are you staying in London or are you just visiting?" I ask

"Well we actually just got back from visiting Australia. We are still living here in London." Mike says.

"Well you guys should come by sometime! I think the lads would be very happy to see you!" I say smiling. "Well we have to go!" I say taking my drink back from Allie.

"Can we have your number before you go?" They ask. I nod and type it into Ashton's phone and text myself the other boys numbers and then text them from my phone. 

"Ok see you boys soon!" I say hugging them before heading to the car with Allie. 

"Well that was cool!" Allie says smiling. 

"I know, I think your dad and uncles will be surprised when we tell them." I say laughing a bit.

"I think dads expression will be hilarious!" Allie says laughing, she is right though his expression will be hilarious.

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