Chapter 27

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I had gotten home from grocery shopping only to have Allie run down the stairs and hide behind me while I am unloading bags. "mum don't move." She says.

"Ok...." I say and continue unpacking the bags.

"Sami! Have you seen Allie?" Liam asks standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"No, I have been only been in the kitchen since I got back from shopping. Why are you looking for her?" I ask.

"Have you heard our daughter sing?" He asks. Oh no.

"Yes, but-" He cuts me off.

"She has such an amazing talent! I want to take her to uncle Simon! She could become a famous singer!!" He says bouncing up and down.

"Liam stop jumping you look like a girl." I say laughing a little bit. He stops jumping and pouts. "Did you ask Allie if she would like to be famous?" I ask him.

"I did and she said she would like to." He says smiling.

"Did you let her finish the sentence?" I ask and his smile fades slightly.

"No, but why would that matter?" He asks.

"Because she doesn't want to become a famous singer. She wants to be a dancer. She wants to dance like me." I tell him.

"But....her voice!!" He says emphisising the fact that she has an amazing voice.

"Liam!" I say giving him my signiture look that lets him know I am not messing around.

"Fine! But can she atleast sing for the rest of the family when we do our summer bonfires?" He asks getting on his knees and begging.

"You have to ask Allie and if she agrees then you can. BUT!!!! No one is allowed to take video or recording of her singing! I will be taking all phones at the begining of the bonfire!" I tell him

"Thank you!!! Now I just need to find her!!" He says running out of the room.

"Allie, can you help me put the groceries away?" I ask turning my head to look at her.

"Sure mom!" She says grabbing some of the food and putting it in the cabinets. A few minutes pass before Allie breaks the silience. "Did you mean what you said?" She asks.

"Did I mean what?" I ask her.

"Did you mean that I could sing for the family only if it was ok with me?" She asks. 

"Of course sweetie! It is your life and your choice." I say hugging her.

"Thank you mom!" She says hugging me back.

"Not a problem." I say. "Now you might want to get out of the kitchen before your dad comes in and finds out that I was lying about seeing you." I say smiling at her.

"Yea you have a point!" She says smiling at me and she runs out of the room. 

"ALLIE!!!" Liam says running into the livingroom where Allie had just walked into. Yes I was eavesdropping.

"Yea dad!" She responds.

"I was wondering how you would feel about singing infront of your aunts and uncles?" He asks.

"I would love to dad!" She says. 

"YES!!!!" He screams. When I walk into the living room I see Liam hugging Allie and spinning around.

"Liam put her down!" I say laughing. Who would have thought a simple answer would make him so happy.

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